El verbo keep en inglés: conjugación, definición, sinónimos y expresiones

Desde la conjugación de keep en inglés hasta sus definiciones, sinónimos, expresiones y phrasal verbs, ¡aquí tienes todo lo que necesitas saber sobre este verbo!

Tablas de conjugación de keep en inglés

Conjugación del verbo keep en indicativo

Verbo keep en present simple

  • I keep
  • You keep
  • He/she/it keeps
  • We keep
  • You keep
  • They keep

Verbo keep en present continuous

  • I am keeping
  • You are keeping
  • He/she/it is keeping
  • We are keeping
  • You are keeping
  • They are keeping

Verbo keep past simple

  • I kept
  • You kept
  • He/she/it kept
  • We kept
  • You kept
  • They kept

Verbo keep en past continuous

  • I was keeping
  • You were keeping
  • He/she/it was keeping
  • We were keeping
  • You were keeping
  • They were keeping

Verbo keep en present perfect

  • I have kept
  • You have kept
  • He/she/it has kept
  • We have kept
  • You have kept
  • They have kept

Verbo keep en present perfect continuous

  • I have been keeping
  • You have been keeping
  • He/she/it has been keeping
  • We have been keeping
  • You have been keeping
  • They have been keeping

Verbo keep en past perfect

  • I had kept
  • You had kept
  • He/she/it had kept
  • We had kept
  • You had kept
  • They had kept

Verbo keep en past perfect continuous

  • I had been keeping
  • You had been keeping
  • He/she/it had been keeping
  • We had been keeping
  • You had been keeping
  • They had been keeping

Verbo keep en future

  • I will keep
  • You will keep
  • He/she/it will keep
  • We will keep
  • You will keep
  • They will keep

Verbo keep en future continuous

  • I will be keeping
  • You will be keeping
  • He/she/it will be keeping
  • We will be keeping
  • You will be keeping
  • They will be keeping

Verbo keep en future perfect

  • I will have kept
  • You will have kept
  • He/she/it will have kept
  • We will have kept
  • You will have kept
  • They will have kept

Verbo keep en future perfect continuous

  • I will have been keeping
  • You will have been keeping
  • He/she/it will have been keeping
  • We will have been keeping
  • You will have been keeping
  • They will have been keeping

Conjugación del verbo keep en condicional

Verbo keep en conditional present

  • I would keep
  • You would keep
  • He/she/it would keep
  • We would keep
  • You would keep
  • They would keep

Verbo keep en conditional present continuous

  • I would be keeping
  • You would be keeping
  • He/she/it would be keeping
  • We would be keeping
  • You would be keeping
  • They would be keeping

Verbo keep en conditional perfect

  • I would have kept
  • You would have kept
  • He/she/it would have kept
  • We would have kept
  • You would have kept
  • They would have kept

Verbo keep en conditional perfect continuous

  • I would have been keeping
  • You would have been keeping
  • He/she/it would have been keeping
  • We would have been keeping
  • You would have been keeping
  • They would have been keeping

Otras formas

El infinitivo de keep

  • to keep

Participio presente de keep

  • keeping

Participio pasado de keep

  • kept

El imperativo de keep

  • keep
  • let’s keep

Al igual que to hold, to feel, to cut, to think y to say, to keep es un verbo irregular. Por eso hay que prestar especial atención a las terminaciones en pasado.

Definición de keep en inglés

¿Qué significa el verbo keep en inglés?

El Cambridge Dictionary ofrece varias definiciones del verbo keep.

Veamos las principales:

1. To have or continue to have in your possession

Oh, I love it! Can I keep it?
→ ¡Oh, me encanta! ¿Puedo quedármelo?

2. To own and manage a small shop

He kept a grocery store for years.
→ Dirigió una tienda de comestibles durante años.

3. If you keep animals, you own and take care of them, but not in your home as pets

They keep cows to sell their milk.
→ Crían vacas para vender su leche.

4. To watch and care for someone’s children while their parents are away

Occasionally, a babysitter kept the children at home.
→ De vez en cuando, una niñera cuidaba a los niños en casa.

5. To stay in a particular place or condition

It’s a perfect activity to keep them busy.
→ Es una actividad perfecta para mantenerlos ocupados.

6. To continue doing something without stopping, or to do it repeatedly

He keeps trying to distract me.
→ Intenta distraerme constantemente.

7. To delay someone or prevent them from doing something

It’s late, I don’t want to keep you up.
→ Se está haciendo tarde, no quiero mantenerte despierto.

8. If you say that news or information for someone can keep, you mean that you can tell it to them later

Don’t tell him! He can’t keep a secret.
→ ¡No se lo digas! No puede guardar un secreto.

9. To stay fresh and in good condition (of food)

Eggs keep longer than meat.
→ Los huevos se conservan más tiempo que la carne.

10. To provide yourself or another person with food, clothing, a home, and other things necessary for basic living

I keep my family in food and clean clothes.
→ Mantengo a mi familia con comida y ropa limpia.

Para consultar la página completa del Cambridge Dictionary, haz clic aquí.

Phrasal verbs con keep en inglés

Recordatorio: los phrasal verbs (o “verbos con partícula”) son verbos que, al ir seguidos de otra palabra (la partícula), completan o modifican su significado original.

Hay muchos phrasal verbs basados en el verbo keep:

  • keep ahead → anticiparse
  • keep at something → perseverar, continuar, seguir en algo
  • keep off → abstenerse (de hacer algo)
  • keep off something → mantenerse alejado de algo
  • keep on doing something → seguir haciendo algo
  • keep out → no entrar, no pasar
  • keep somebody under → oprimir, mantener oprimido
  • keep somebody up → mantener despierto a
  • keep somebody/something out → no dejar entrar/pasar
  • keep something back → ahorrar (informal)
  • keep something down → mantener bajo
  • keep something in → contener, reprimir (emociones)
  • keep something/somebody back → mantener lejos / mantener alejado
  • keep together → mantenerse juntos
  • keep up → seguir
  • keep up with something → mantenerse al tanto de

Sinónimos de keep en inglés

Según el contexto, se puede sustituir el verbo to keep por uno de los siguientes verbos:

  • conserve → conservar
  • detain → retener, detener
  • own→ poseer, tener
  • pile → apilar, amontonar
  • possess → poseer
  • retain → guardar, conservar
  • save → guardar, salvaguardar
  • stash → guardar, almacenar
  • store → guardar, almacenar

Expresiones con keep en inglés

  • keep a check on something/somebody → vigilar, observar (informal)
  • keep a close watch on somebody/something → vigilar con atención
  • keep a leg up → mantenerse al frente (informal)
  • keep a low profile → mantener un perfil bajo
  • keep a promise → cumplir una promesa
  • keep a stiff upper lip → mantener la postura, permanecer tranquilo
  • keep afloat → mantenerse a flote
  • keep an eye on something/somebody → echar un ojo (informal)
  • keep an open mind → tener la mente abierta
  • keep body and soul together → sobrevivir, mantenerse
  • keep it up! → ¡sigue así! (interjección coloquial)
  • keep pace with somebody/something → seguir el ritmo
  • keep somebody dangling → tener en vilo a alguien (informal)
  • keep somebody in the dark → ocultarle algo a alguien
  • keep somebody on a leash → controlar a (familiar)
  • keep something in mind → no olvidar
  • keep something on the back burner → mantener algo en segundo plano
  • keep something ticking over → mantener algo en funcionamiento
  • keep something under your hat → tener algo escondido (informal)
  • keep something/somebody at bay → mantener a raya (informal)
  • keep the change → quedarse con el cambio (dinero)
  • keep within the bounds of something → respetar los límites de algo
  • keep your chin up → ¡ánimo!
  • keep your ear to the ground → tener los oídos abiertos
  • keep your eye on the ball → mantenerse alerta
  • keep your nose clean → no meterse en líos (informal)
  • keep your peace → quedarse callado

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Camille Carollo

Este curso de inglés fue creado por Camille

Redactor web desde 2012 y muy cómodo con la lengua de Shakespeare, tanto escrita como hablada, ¡se esfuerza por dar buen uso a su pluma con cursos claros y sencillos, tutoriales y otras fichas de vocabulario accesibles tanto para principiantes como para avanzados!

Sus estudios literarios y su vida personal le llevaron a vivir varios años en Oxford, Leeds y Londres, antes de instalarse en la región parisina.

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