El verbo run en inglés: conjugación, definición, sinónimos y expresiones

¡Repasemos la conjugación de run en inglés y veamos sus definiciones, sinónimos, expresiones y phrasal verbs!

Tablas de conjugación de run en inglés

Conjugación del verbo run en indicativo

Verbo run en present simple

  • I run
  • You run
  • He/she/it runs
  • We run
  • You run
  • They run

Verbo run en present continuous

  • I am running
  • You are running
  • He/she/it is running
  • We are running
  • You are running
  • They are running

Verbo run en past simple

  • I ran
  • You ran
  • He/she/it ran
  • We ran
  • You ran
  • They ran

Verbo run en past continuous

  • I was running
  • You were running
  • He/she/it was running
  • We were running
  • You were running
  • They were running

Verbo run en present perfect

  • I have run
  • You have run
  • He/she/it has run
  • We have run
  • You have run
  • They have run

Verbo run en present perfect continuous

  • I have been running
  • You have been running
  • He/she/it has been running
  • We have been running
  • You have been running
  • They have been running

Verbo run en past perfect

  • I had run
  • You had run
  • He/she/it had run
  • We had run
  • You had run
  • They had run

Verbo run en past perfect continuous

  • I had been running
  • You had been running
  • He/she/it had been running
  • We had been running
  • You had been running
  • They had been running

Verbo run en future

  • I will run
  • You will run
  • He/she/it will run
  • We will run
  • You will run
  • They will run

Verbo run en future continuous

  • I will be running
  • You will be running
  • He/she/it will be running
  • We will be running
  • You will be running
  • They will be running

Verbo run en future perfect

  • I will have run
  • You will have run
  • He/she/it will have run
  • We will have run
  • You will have run
  • They will have run

Verbo run en future perfect continuous

  • I will have been running
  • You will have been running
  • He/she/it will have been running
  • We will have been running
  • You will have been running
  • They will have been running

Conjugación del verbo run en condicional

Verbo run en conditional present

  • I would run
  • You would run
  • He/she/it would run
  • We would run
  • You would run
  • They would run

Verbo run en conditional present continuous

  • I would be running
  • You would be running
  • He/she/it would be running
  • We would be running
  • You would be running
  • They would be running

Verbo run en conditional perfect

  • I would have run
  • You would have run
  • He/she/it would have run
  • We would have run
  • You would have run
  • They would have run

Verbo run en conditional perfect continuous

  • I would have been running
  • You would have been running
  • He/she/it would have been running
  • We would have been running
  • You would have been running
  • They would have been running

Otras formas

El infinitivo de run

  • to run

Participio presente de run

  • running

Participio pasado de run

  • run

El imperativo de run

  • run
  • let’s run

Al igual que to read, to learn, to find, to do y to wear, to run es un verbo irregular. Por eso hay que prestar especial atención a las terminaciones en pasado.

Definición de run en inglés

¿Qué significa el verbo run en inglés?

El Cambridge Dictionary ofrece varias definiciones del verbo run.

Veamos las principales:

1. To move along, faster than walking, by taking quick steps in which each foot is lifted before the next foot touches the ground (of people and some animals)

He ran 10 miles in 80 minutes.
→ Corrió 16 km en 80 minutos.

2. If you run an animal in a race, you cause it to take part

The trainers are not allowed to run 2 horses in the race.
→ Los entrenadores no pueden presentar 2 caballos en la carrera.

3. To go quickly or in a hurry

We’d run to the video store, and spend all our money.
→ Íbamos corriendo al videoclub y nos gastábamos todo el dinero.

4. To (cause something to) travel, move, or continue in a particular way

Buses won’t be running until noon.
→ Los autobuses no circularán hasta mediodía.

5. To (cause something to) operate

The two machines started running at the same time.
→ Ambas máquinas empezaron a funcionar al mismo tiempo.

6. To be in control of something

My father ran this company for 40 years.
→ Mi padre dirigió esta empresa durante 40 años.

7. If you run a car, you own one, drive it, and pay for the costs

The cost of running a car is substantial.
→ El coste de funcionamiento de un coche es considerable.

8. To organize the way you live or work

Don’t let your kids run your life!
→ ¡No dejes que tus hijos gobiernen tu vida!

9. To (cause something to) flow or produce liquid

The streets were running with dirty water.
→ Las calles estaban llenas de agua sucia.

10. To come out or spread (of colours in clothes, etc.)

The color has run all over the shirt.
→ El color se ha corrido por toda la camisa.

11. To be or become

Gas station pumps ran dry in most cities.
→ Los surtidores de las gasolineras se secaron en la mayoría de las ciudades.

12. If tights (= thin clothing that covers the legs) run, a long, thin hole appears in them

The tights ran when I put them on.
→ Las mallas se corrieron cuando me las puse.

13. To show something in a newspaper or magazine, on television, etc.

Local newspapers ran stories about the storm.
→ La prensa local publicó artículos sobre la tormenta.

14. If a film is running at a particular place, you can see it there

The show is running at the local theater.
→ El espectáculo se representa en el teatro local.

15. To compete as a candidate in an election

Obama ran for President in 2008.
→ Obama se presentó a las elecciones presidenciales de 2008.

16. To take guns or drugs illegally from one place to another

He described how he ran drugs across the country.
→ Describió cómo traficaba con drogas por todo el país.

Para consultar la página completa del Cambridge Dictionary, haz clic aquí.

Phrasal verbs con run en inglés

Recordatorio: los phrasal verbs (o “verbos con partícula”) son verbos que, al ir seguidos de otra palabra (la partícula), completan o modifican su significado original.

Estos son los principales phrasal verbs formados a partir del verbo run:

  • run about/around (inglés británico) → corretear
  • run across/into somebody → encontrarse por casualidad con alguien
  • run after something/somebody → perseguir
  • run ahead → adelantarse
  • run at something/somebody → arremeter contra
  • run away → escaparse, huir
  • run behind → retrasado (ir con retraso)
  • run for something → presentarse como candidato a
  • run from something → huir
  • run in → pasar, visitar (informal)
  • run off → salir corriendo, huir
  • run on → seguir, alargarse
  • run out → quedarse sin algo
  • run out on somebody → abandonar a, dejar a
  • run over something/somebody → arrollar, atropellar (con un vehículo)
  • run somebody in → arrestar (informal)
  • run somebody out of something → echar a alguien de
  • run somebody/something down → menospreciar, desprestigiar (informal)
  • run something by/past somebody → chequear algo con alguien
  • run something off → imprimir, fotocopiar
  • run something up → hacer subir, hacer trepar
  • run something/somebody down → derribar algo o a alguien (con un vehículo)
  • run through something → repasar, ensayar (un texto, una canción, etc.)
  • run up against something/somebody → enfrentar, afrontar
  • run with somebody (inglés americano) → andar con, juntarse con (ser amigos)

Sinónimos de run en inglés

Según el contexto, se puede sustituir el verbo to run por uno de los siguientes verbos:

  • bolt → irse corriendo, escaparse
  • dash → correr
  • dribble → babear / driblar
  • drip → gotear
  • flow → fluir, derramar
  • hurry → apresurarse, darse prisa
  • hurtle → precipitarse, lanzarse
  • jog → trotar, hacer footing
  • race → correr, hacer carreras
  • rush → correr, precipitarse sobre
  • spill → derramar, verter
  • sprint → esprintar, correr a toda velocidad
  • walk → caminar

Expresiones con run en inglés

  • cut and run → salir corriendo
  • have a run-in with somebody → tener una pelea con alguien (informal)
  • in the long run → a la larga
  • in the short run → a corto plazo
  • make your blood run cold → helar la sangre (informal)
  • run a tight ship → llevar con mano dura
  • run in circles → ir de acá para allá (informal)
  • run in the family → venir de familia, ser un rasgo de familia
  • run out of steam → perder el ímpetu/el entusiasmo
  • run roughshod over somebody/something → hacer que alguien vea todos los colores (informal)
  • run something up the flagpole → ver qué parece a alguien algo
  • run to ground → recluirse

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Camille Carollo

Este curso de inglés fue creado por Camille

Redactor web desde 2012 y muy cómodo con la lengua de Shakespeare, tanto escrita como hablada, ¡se esfuerza por dar buen uso a su pluma con cursos claros y sencillos, tutoriales y otras fichas de vocabulario accesibles tanto para principiantes como para avanzados!

Sus estudios literarios y su vida personal le llevaron a vivir varios años en Oxford, Leeds y Londres, antes de instalarse en la región parisina.

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