¿Sabes utilizar los pronombres personales en inglés? Pon a prueba tu inglés con este test.
Lección de referencia
¿Quieres refrescar la memoria antes de hacer este ejercicio? Consulta nuestra lección sobre los pronombres relativos en inglés.
Ejercicio 1
Completa las frases con THAT o nada – :
- Dell is a company _____ sells computers.
- The concert _____ I went to was great.
- Do you know _____ singer that was on TV last night?
- I made the soup _____ you like.
- This author has a side to his personality _____ is fascinating.
- Dell is a company THAT sells computers. = Dell es una empresa que vende ordenadores.
- The concert THAT / — I went to was great. = El concierto al que fui fue genial.
- Do you know THAT singer that was on TV last night? = ¿Conoces a ese cantante que salió anoche en la tele?
- I made the soup THAT / — you like. = He hecho la sopa como a ti te gusta.
- This author has a side to his personality THAT is fascinating. = Este autor tiene un lado fascinante de su personalidad.
Ejercicio 2
- _____ you go, I will follow you.
- I’ll visit you _____ I have time.
- _____ told you to act this way was wrong.
- I always do _____ I can to help.
- Choose _____ outfit you like.
- WHEREVER you go, I will follow you. = Dondequiera que vayas, te seguiré.
- I’ll visit you WHENEVER I have time. = Iré a visitarte en cuanto pueda.
- WHOEVER told you to act this way was wrong. = Quien te dijo que actuaras así se equivocó.
- I always do WHATEVER I can in order to help. = Siempre hago todo lo que puedo para ayudar.
- Choose WHICHEVER outfit you like. = Elige el conjunto que más te guste.
Ejercicio 3
Completa las frases con WHAT o WHICH:
- _____ I don’t like is when people make noise when they eat.
- Mike told me he wanted to quit, _____ was surprising.
- This is the exception _____ proves the rule.
- Several students have been caught cheating, _____ is unacceptable.
- We can’t lose _____ we never had.
- WHAT I don’t like is when people make noise when they eat. = Lo que no me gusta es que la gente haga ruido cuando está comiendo.
- Mike told me he wanted to quit, WHICH was surprising. = Mike me dijo que quería dimitir, lo que me sorprendió.
- This is the exception WHICH proves the rule. = Es la excepción que confirma la regla.
- Several students have been caught cheating, WHICH is unacceptable. = Se ha pillado a varios estudiantes haciendo trampas, lo que es inaceptable.
- We can’t lose WHAT we never had. = No podemos perder lo que nunca hemos tenido.
Ejercicio 4
Completa las frases con WHOSE o WHOM:
- Just address your letter to _____ it may concern.
- The kid _____ you taught to play the drums is now a professional musician.
- The person _____ car is parked in the street is getting a ticket.
- The man to _____ you gave the documents is the general manager.
- _____ idea was it to come to this restaurant?
- Just address your letter to WHOM it may concern. = Envía tu carta a la persona adecuada.
- The kid WHOM you taught to play the drums is now a professional musician. = El niño al que enseñaste a tocar la batería es ahora un músico profesional.
- The person WHOSE car is parked in the street is getting a ticket. = La persona cuyo coche esté aparcado en la calle recibirá una multa.
- The man to WHOM you gave the documents is the general manager. = El hombre al que le diste los documentos es el Director General.
- WHOSE idea was it to come to this restaurant? = ¿De quién fue la idea de venir a este restaurante?