Quelle est la conjugaison de love en anglais ? Existe-t-il plusieurs définitions et des phrasal verbs liés ? Par quels synonymes le remplacer, et dans quelles expressions l’utiliser ?
Tableaux de conjugaison de love en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe love à l’indicatif
Le verbe love au present simple
- I love
- You love
- He/she/it loves
- We love
- You love
- They love
Le verbe love au present continuous
- I am loving
- You are loving
- He/she/it is loving
- We are loving
- You are loving
- They are loving
Le verbe love past simple
- I loved
- You loved
- He/she/it loved
- We loved
- You loved
- They loved
Le verbe love au past continuous
- I was loving
- You were loving
- He/she/it was loving
- We were loving
- You were loving
- They were loving
Le verbe love au present perfect
- I have loved
- You have loved
- He/she/it has loved
- We have loved
- You have loved
- They have loved
Le verbe love au present perfect continuous
- I have been loving
- You have been loving
- He/she/it has been loving
- We have been loving
- You have been loving
- They have been loving
Le verbe love au past perfect
- I had loved
- You had loved
- He/she/it had loved
- We had loved
- You had loved
- They had loved
Le verbe love au past perfect continuous
- I had been loving
- You had been loving
- He/she/it had been loving
- We had been loving
- You had been loving
- They had been loving
Le verbe love au future
- I will love
- You will love
- He/she/it will love
- We will love
- You will love
- They will love
Le verbe love au future continuous
- I will be loving
- You will be loving
- He/she/it will be loving
- We will be loving
- You will be loving
- They will be loving
Le verbe love au future perfect
- I will have loved
- You will have loved
- He/she/it will have loved
- We will have loved
- You will have loved
- They will have loved
Le verbe love au future perfect continuous
- I will have been loving
- You will have been loving
- He/she/it will have been loving
- We will have been loving
- You will have been loving
- They will have been loving
Conjugaison du verbe love au conditionnel
Le verbe love au conditional present
- I would love
- You would love
- He/she/it would love
- We would love
- You would love
- They would love
Le verbe love au conditional present continuous
- I would be loving
- You would be loving
- He/she/it would be loving
- We would be loving
- You would be loving
- They would be loving
Le verbe love au conditional perfect
- I would have loved
- You would have loved
- He/she/it would have loved
- We would have loved
- You would have loved
- They would have loved
Le verbe love au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been loving
- You would have been loving
- He/she/it would have been loving
- We would have been loving
- You would have been loving
- They would have been loving
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de love
- to love
Participe présent de love
- loving
Participe passé de love
- loved
L’impératif de love
- love
- let’s love
Définition de love en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe love en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe love.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To like another adult very much and be romantically and sexually attracted to them, or to have strong feelings of liking a friend or person in your family
Show your kids how much you love them.
→ Montrez à vos enfants combien vous les aimez.
2. To like something very much
I love walking in the rain.
→ J’adore marcher sous la pluie.
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Les phrasal verbs avec love en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes à particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsqu’ils sont suivis d’un autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complété ou modifié.
Il n’existe pas de phrasal verb directement formé sur le verbe love. En revanche, d’autres phrasal verbs (appartenant au registre familier) traitent des relations amoureuses, à l’instar de :
- break up → rompre, se séparer
- care for somebody → avoir des sentiments pour quelqu’un
- fall for somebody → craquer sur quelqu’un, flasher sur quelqu’un, en pincer pour quelqu’un
- go out → sortir ensemble
- look up to somebody → admirer
- make up → se réconcilier (après une dispute)
- split up → rompre, se séparer
Les synonymes de love en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to love par l’un des verbes suivants :
- admire → admirer
- adulate → adorer, aduler
- cherish → chérir
- esteem → estimer, considérer
- exalt → louer, chanter les louanges de
- fancy → kiffer (familier)
- idolize → idolâtrer
- like → aimer bien, apprécier
- treasure → chérir, aimer
- worship → adorer, vénérer (religieux)
Expressions avec love en anglais
- calf love (nom) → amour de jeunesse
- fall in love → tomber amoureux
- find true love → trouver le grand amour, trouver l’âme sœur
- for the love of God → pour l’amour du ciel (interjection)
- love affair (nom) → histoire d’amour
- love at first sight (nom) → coup de foudre
- love bite (nom) → suçon
- love child (nom) → enfant illégitime/enfant adultérin
- love handles (nom) → poignées d’amour (familier)
- love somebody to distraction → aimer quelqu’un à la folie
- not for love or money → pour tout l’or du monde/pour rien au monde