Le verbe cook en anglais : conjugaison, définition, synonymes et expressions

DĂ©couvrez la fiche que nous vous avons mijotĂ©e sur la conjugaison de cook en anglais : temps, modes, dĂ©finitions, phrasal verbs, synonymes et expressions !

Tableaux de conjugaison de cook en anglais

Conjugaison du verbe cook Ă  l’indicatif

Le verbe cook au present simple

  • I cook
  • You cook
  • He/she/it cooks
  • We cook
  • You cook
  • They cook

Le verbe cook au present continuous

  • I am cooking
  • You are cooking
  • He/she/it is cooking
  • We are cooking
  • You are cooking
  • They are cooking

Le verbe cook past simple

  • I cooked
  • You cooked
  • He/she/it cooked
  • We cooked
  • You cooked
  • They cooked

Le verbe cook au past continuous

  • I was cooking
  • You were cooking
  • He/she/it was cooking
  • We were cooking
  • You were cooking
  • They were cooking

Le verbe cook au present perfect

  • I have cooked
  • You have cooked
  • He/she/it has cooked
  • We have cooked
  • You have cooked
  • They have cooked

Le verbe cook au present perfect continuous

  • I have been cooking
  • You have been cooking
  • He/she/it has been cooking
  • We have been cooking
  • You have been cooking
  • They have been cooking

Le verbe cook au past perfect

  • I had cooked
  • You had cooked
  • He/she/it had cooked
  • We had cooked
  • You had cooked
  • They had cooked

Le verbe cook au past perfect continuous

  • I had been cooking
  • You had been cooking
  • He/she/it had been cooking
  • We had been cooking
  • You had been cooking
  • They had been cooking

Le verbe cook au future

  • I will cook
  • You will cook
  • He/she/it will cook
  • We will cook
  • You will cook
  • They will cook

Le verbe cook au future continuous

  • I will be cooking
  • You will be cooking
  • He/she/it will be cooking
  • We will be cooking
  • You will be cooking
  • They will be cooking

Le verbe cook au future perfect

  • I will have cooked
  • You will have cooked
  • He/she/it will have cooked
  • We will have cooked
  • You will have cooked
  • They will have cooked

Le verbe cook au future perfect continuous

  • I will have been cooking
  • You will have been cooking
  • He/she/it will have been cooking
  • We will have been cooking
  • You will have been cooking
  • They will have been cooking

Conjugaison du verbe cook au conditionnel

Le verbe cook au conditional present

  • I would cook
  • You would cook
  • He/she/it would cook
  • We would cook
  • You would cook
  • They would cook

Le verbe cook au conditional present continuous

  • I would be cooking
  • You would be cooking
  • He/she/it would be cooking
  • We would be cooking
  • You would be cooking
  • They would be cooking

Le verbe cook au conditional perfect

  • I would have cooked
  • You would have cooked
  • He/she/it would have cooked
  • We would have cooked
  • You would have cooked
  • They would have cooked

Le verbe cook au conditional perfect continuous

  • I would have been cooking
  • You would have been cooking
  • He/she/it would have been cooking
  • We would have been cooking
  • You would have been cooking
  • They would have been cooking

Les autres formes

L’infinitif de cook

  • to cook

Participe présent de cook

  • cooking

Participe passé de cook

  • cooked

L’impĂ©ratif de cook

  • cook
  • let’s cook

DĂ©finition de cook en anglais

Que veut dire le verbe cook en anglais ?

Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs dĂ©finitions du verbe cook.

Penchons-nous sur les principales :

1. When you cook food, you prepare it to be eaten by heating it in a particular way, such as baking or boiling, and when food cooks, it is heated until it is ready to eat

I often cook Chinese food. → Je cuisine souvent des plats chinois.

2. To prepare food by heating it in a particular way, or (of food) to be prepared in this way

Cook the rice for 15 minutes. → Faire cuire le riz 15 minutes.

Pour accĂ©der Ă  l’intĂ©gralitĂ© de la page du Cambridge Dictionary, cliquez ici !

Les phrasal verbs avec cook en anglais

Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes Ă  particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsqu’ils sont suivis d’un autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complĂ©tĂ© ou modifiĂ©.

Il existe deux phrasal verbs formĂ©s sur le verbe cook :

  • cook off â†’ s’auto-enflammer, auto-exploser (pour une bombe, par exemple)
  • cook something up â†’ concocter (familier : concocter un plan, par exemple)
  • cook something up â†’ prĂ©parer vite fait (familier)

Les synonymes de cook en anglais

En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to cook par l’un des verbes suivants :

  • bake â†’ cuire (pour du pain ou des gĂąteaux)
  • prepare â†’ confectionner, prĂ©parer, accommoder
  • simmer â†’ mijoter, mitonner
  • stew â†’ mijoter

Expressions avec cook en anglais

  • cook somebody’s goose â†’ causer la perte de quelqu’un, contrecarrer les plans de quelqu’un
  • cook the books â†’ truquer les comptes, trafiquer les comptes, falsifier les comptes (familier)
  • cook-off (anglais amĂ©ricain ou australien) → concours de cuisine, concours culinaire
  • precooked â†’ prĂ©cuit
  • pressure-cook something â†’ cuire quelque chose Ă  la cocotte-minute, Ă  l’autocuiseur
  • well-cooked â†’ bien cuit (pour de la viande)

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Camille Carollo

Ce cours d'anglais a été créé par Camille

RĂ©dacteur web depuis 2012 et trĂšs Ă  l’aise avec la langue de Shakespeare Ă  l’écrit autant qu’à l’oral, il s’efforce de mettre sa plume au profit de cours, tutoriels et autres fiches de vocabulaire clairs, simples, et accessibles autant aux dĂ©butants qu’aux niveaux avancĂ©s !

Ses Ă©tudes littĂ©raires et sa vie personnelle l’ont amenĂ© Ă  vivre plusieurs annĂ©es Ă  Oxford, Ă  Leeds et Ă  Londres, avant de poser ses valises en rĂ©gion parisienne.

DĂ©couvrir Camille Carollo