Quelle est, en détail, la conjugaison d’own en anglais ? Que signifie ce verbe et par quels synonymes le remplacer ? Dans quels phrasal verbs et expressions apparait-il ? Réponses !
Tableaux de conjugaison de own en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe own à l’indicatif
Le verbe own au present simple
- I own
- You own
- He/she/it owns
- We own
- You own
- They own
Le verbe own au present continuous
- I am owning
- You are owning
- He/she/it is owning
- We are owning
- You are owning
- They are owning
Le verbe own past simple
- I owned
- You owned
- He/she/it owned
- We owned
- You owned
- They owned
Le verbe own au past continuous
- I was owning
- You were owning
- He/she/it was owning
- We were owning
- You were owning
- They were owning
Le verbe own au present perfect
- I have owned
- You have owned
- He/she/it has owned
- We have owned
- You have owned
- They have owned
Le verbe own au present perfect continuous
- I have been owning
- You have been owning
- He/she/it has been owning
- We have been owning
- You have been owning
- They have been owning
Le verbe own au past perfect
- I had owned
- You had owned
- He/she/it had owned
- We had owned
- You had owned
- They had owned
Le verbe own au past perfect continuous
- I had been owning
- You had been owning
- He/she/it had been owning
- We had been owning
- You had been owning
- They had been owning
Le verbe own au future
- I will own
- You will own
- He/she/it will own
- We will own
- You will own
- They will own
Le verbe own au future continuous
- I will be owning
- You will be owning
- He/she/it will be owning
- We will be owning
- You will be owning
- They will be owning
Le verbe own au future perfect
- I will have owned
- You will have owned
- He/she/it will have owned
- We will have owned
- You will have owned
- They will have owned
Le verbe own au future perfect continuous
- I will have been owning
- You will have been owning
- He/she/it will have been owning
- We will have been owning
- You will have been owning
- They will have been owning
Conjugaison du verbe own au conditionnel
Le verbe own au conditional present
- I would own
- You would own
- He/she/it would own
- We would own
- You would own
- They would own
Le verbe own au conditional present continuous
- I would be owning
- You would be owning
- He/she/it would be owning
- We would be owning
- You would be owning
- They would be owning
Le verbe own au conditional perfect
- I would have owned
- You would have owned
- He/she/it would have owned
- We would have owned
- You would have owned
- They would have owned
Le verbe own au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been owning
- You would have been owning
- He/she/it would have been owning
- We would have been owning
- You would have been owning
- They would have been owning
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de own
- to own
Participe présent de own
- owning
Participe passé de own
- owned
L’impératif de own
- own
- let’s own
Définition de own en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe own en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe own.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To have something that legally belongs to you
She owns her car.
→ Elle est propriétair de sa voiture.
2. To admit
He owned that he doesn’t like them.
→ Il reconnaît qu’il ne les aime pas.
3. To defeat someone completely or be much better than him or her; to perform extremely well (familier)
Our team owned them from the beginning to the end.
→ Notre équipe les a éclatés du début à la fin.
4. To accept and be responsible for something
I knew it was important to own my mistake.
→ Je savais qu’il était important d’assumer mon erreur.
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Les phrasal verbs avec own en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes à particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsqu’ils sont suivis d’un autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complété ou modifié.
Le verbe own n’a pas de phrasal verb communément admis, à l’exception d’un seul, appartenant au registre familier :
• own up → avouer/confesser
Les synonymes de own en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to own par l’un des verbes suivants :
- acknowledge → admettre/reconnaître
- admit → admettre/reconnaître
- avow → avouer
- concede → concéder
- confess → avouer/reconnaître
- have → avoir
- possess → posséder
- recognize → reconnaître
Expressions avec own en anglais
- a man/woman after my own heart → un homme/une femme comme je les aime
- all on your own → tout seul
- at your own risk → à vos risques et périls
- be your own man → être indépendant
- blow/toot your own horn → se jeter des fleurs
- come into your own → être reconnu à sa juste valeur
- feather your own nest → s’en mettre plein les poches (familier)
- get your own back → se venger/prendre sa revanche (familier)
- give somebody a taste of his/her/their own medicine → rendre la pareille à quelqu’un
- have a mind of its own → n’en faire qu’à sa tête
- in a class of its own → unique en son genre
- mind your own business → mêle-toi de ce qui te regarde (interjection familière)
- pay somebody back in their own coin → rendre à quelqu’un la monnaie de sa pièce
- pull your own weight → y mettre du sien
- take your own life → se donner la mort, mettre fin à ses jours