Vous allez découvrir en détail la conjugaison de reach en anglais, mais également les différentes définitions de ce verbe, ses synonymes, ainsi que les phrasal verbs et expressions auxquels il s’intègre !
Tableaux de conjugaison de reach en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe reach à l’indicatif
Le verbe reach au present simple
- I reach
- You reach
- He/she/it reaches
- We reach
- You reach
- They reach
Le verbe reach au present continuous
- I am reaching
- You are reaching
- He/she/it is reaching
- We are reaching
- You are reaching
- They are reaching
Le verbe reach au past simple
- I reached
- You reached
- He/she/it reached
- We reached
- You reached
- They reached
Le verbe reach au past continuous
- I was reaching
- You were reaching
- He/she/it was reaching
- We were reaching
- You were reaching
- They were reaching
Le verbe reach au present perfect
- I have reached
- You have reached
- He/she/it has reached
- We have reached
- You have reached
- They have reached
Le verbe reach au present perfect continuous
- I have been reaching
- You have been reaching
- He/she/it has been reaching
- We have been reaching
- You have been reaching
- They have been reaching
Le verbe reach au past perfect
- I had reached
- You had reached
- He/she/it had reached
- We had reached
- You had reached
- They had reached
Le verbe reach au past perfect continuous
- I had been reaching
- You had been reaching
- He/she/it had been reaching
- We had been reaching
- You had been reaching
- They had been reaching
Le verbe reach au future
- I will reach
- You will reach
- He/she/it will reach
- We will reach
- You will reach
- They will reach
Le verbe reach au future continuous
- I will be reaching
- You will be reaching
- He/she/it will be reaching
- We will be reaching
- You will be reaching
- They will be reaching
Le verbe reach au future perfect
- I will have reached
- You will have reached
- He/she/it will have reached
- We will have reached
- You will have reached
- They will have reached
Le verbe reach au future perfect continuous
- I will have been reaching
- You will have been reaching
- He/she/it will have been reaching
- We will have been reaching
- You will have been reaching
- They will have been reaching
Conjugaison du verbe reach au conditionnel
Le verbe reach au conditional present
- I would reach
- You would reach
- He/she/it would reach
- We would reach
- You would reach
- They would reach
Le verbe reach au conditional present continuous
- I would be reaching
- You would be reaching
- He/she/it would be reaching
- We would be reaching
- You would be reaching
- They would be reaching
Le verbe reach au conditional perfect
- I would have reached
- You would have reached
- He/she/it would have reached
- We would have reached
- You would have reached
- They would have reached
Le verbe reach au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been reaching
- You would have been reaching
- He/she/it would have been reaching
- We would have been reaching
- You would have been reaching
- They would have been reaching
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de reach
- to reach
Participe présent de reach
- reaching
Participe passé de reach
- reached
L’impératif de reach
- reach
- let’s reach
Définition de reach en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe reach en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe reach.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To arrive at a place, especially after spending a long time or a lot of effort travelling
We finally reached the hotel after traveling all day.
→ Nous sommes finalement arrivés à notre hôtel après avoir voyagé toute la journée.
2. To get to a particular level, especially a high one
Global warming will reach 1.5°C in the 2030s.
→ Le réchauffement climatique va atteindre 1,5 °C dans les années 2030.
3. To stretch out your arm in order to get or touch something
She’s grown so tall that she can reach the door handle now.
→ Elle a tellement grandi qu’elle peut maintenant atteindre la poignée de la porte.
4. If an object reaches something, the top or bottom of it touches that thing
The child is trying to reach the jar of cookies.
→ L’enfant essaie d’atteindre le pot de biscuits.
5. To communicate with someone in a different place, especially by phone or email
He tried to reach you on the phone all weekend.
→ Il a essayé de te joindre au téléphone tout le week-end.
6. To understand and communicate with someone
She is rather introverted and it’s not easy to reach her.
→ Elle est assez introvertie et ce n’est pas facile de communiquer avec elle.
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Les phrasal verbs avec reach en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes à particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsqu’ils sont suivis d’un autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complété ou modifié.
Voici les principaux phrasal verbs formés sur le verbe reach :
- reach across → tendre la main au-dessus de, tendre le bras au-dessus de
- reach down → se baisser
- reach for something → recourir à quelque chose
- reach out → aller à la rencontre de, venir en aide à, tendre la main à
- reach out → tendre le bras
- reach over → passer son bras par-dessus/au-dessus de quelque chose
- reach up → tendre le bras vers le haut, tendre la main vers le haut
Les synonymes de reach en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to reach par l’un des verbes suivants :
- affect → affecter
- approach → approcher
- arrive → arriver
- attain → atteindre
- contact → contacter
- go → aller
- strike → toucher, atteindre (une cible)
- touch → toucher
Expressions avec reach en anglais
- beyond reach (adjectif) → hors de portée, hors d’atteinte
- out of reach (adjectif) → inaccessible, inatteignable
- reach a compromise → trouver/parvenir à un compromis
- reach agreement → trouver/parvenir à un accord
- reach for the stars → avoir de l’ambition, vouloir décrocher la lune
- reach rock bottom → toucher le fond (familier)
- reach the end of your rope → être à bout/au bout du rouleau (familier)
- within reach (adjectif) → à portée de main, du domaine du possible