Cette fiche vous détaille la conjugaison de want en anglais et vous donne la définition de ce verbe, les phrasal verbs associés, ses synonymes, et les expressions où il apparait.
Tableaux de conjugaison de to want en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe want à l’indicatif
Le verbe want au present simple
- I want
- You want
- He/she/it wants
- We want
- You want
- They want
Le verbe want au present continuous
- I am wanting
- You are wanting
- He/she/it is wanting
- We are wanting
- You are wanting
- They are wanting
Le verbe want past simple
- I wanted
- You wanted
- He/she/it wanted
- We wanted
- You wanted
- They wanted
Le verbe want au past continuous
- I was wanting
- You were wanting
- He/she/it was wanting
- We were wanting
- You were wanting
- They were wanting
Le verbe want au present perfect
- I have wanted
- You have wanted
- He/she/it has wanted
- We have wanted
- You have wanted
- They have wanted
Le verbe want au present perfect continuous
- I have been wanting
- You have been wanting
- He/she/it has been wanting
- We have been wanting
- You have been wanting
- They have been wanting
Le verbe want au past perfect
- I had wanted
- You had wanted
- He/she/it had wanted
- We had wanted
- You had wanted
- They had wanted
Le verbe want au past perfect continuous
- I had been wanting
- You had been wanting
- He/she/it had been wanting
- We had been wanting
- You had been wanting
- They had been wanting
Le verbe want au future
- I will want
- You will want
- He/she/it will want
- We will want
- You will want
- They will want
Le verbe want au future continuous
- I will be wanting
- You will be wanting
- He/she/it will be wanting
- We will be wanting
- You will be wanting
- They will be wanting
Le verbe want au future perfect
- I will have wanted
- You will have wanted
- He/she/it will have wanted
- We will have wanted
- You will have wanted
- They will have wanted
Le verbe want au future perfect continuous
- I will have been wanting
- You will have been wanting
- He/she/it will have been wanting
- We will have been wanting
- You will have been wanting
- They will have been wanting
Conjugaison du verbe want au conditionnel
Le verbe want au conditional present
- I would want
- You would want
- He/she/it would want
- We would want
- You would want
- They would want
Le verbe want au conditional present continuous
- I would be wanting
- You would be wanting
- He/she/it would be wanting
- We would be wanting
- You would be wanting
- They would be wanting
Le verbe want au conditional perfect
- I would have wanted
- You would have wanted
- He/she/it would have wanted
- We would have wanted
- You would have wanted
- They would have wanted
Le verbe want au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been wanting
- You would have been wanting
- He/she/it would have been wanting
- We would have been wanting
- You would have been wanting
- They would have been wanting
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de want
- to want
Participe présent de want
- wanting
Participe passé de want
- wanted
L’impératif de want
- want
- let’s want
Définition de want en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe want en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe want.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To wish for a particular thing or plan of action
She wants to go abroad. → Elle veut partir à l’étranger.
2. To need something
This room wants cleaning. → Cette pièce a besoin d’être nettoyée.
3. If you are wanted, someone wishes to see or talk with you
Come down! You’re wanted at the door. → Descends ! On te réclame à la porte.
Pour accéder à l’intégralité de la page du Cambridge Dictionary, cliquez ici !
Les phrasal verbs avec want en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes à particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsqu’ils sont suivis d’un autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complété ou modifié.
Voici les principaux phrasal verbs formés sur le verbe want :
- Want in → vouloir participer / vouloir en être
- Want out → vouloir partir
Les synonymes de want en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to want par l’un des verbes suivants :
- aspire → aspirer à
- choose → choisir
- crave → avoir envie de
- demand → exiger
- desire → désirer
- long → désirer
- need → avoir besoin de
- prefer → préférer
- require → réclamer
- wish → souhaiter
Expressions avec want en anglais
- freedom from want → vivre à l’abri du besoin
- in sore want → avoir bien besoin de quelque chose
- the heart wants what it wants → le cœur a ses raisons
- want ad → petite annonce
- want list → liste de souhaits
- wanted dead or alive → recherché mort ou vif
- waste not, want not → un sou est un sou
À l’instar de to like et to live, le verbe to want est un verbe régulier.

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