Le verbe come en anglais : conjugaison, définition, synonymes et expressions

Quelle est la conjugaison de come en anglais ? Quelles sont ses nombreuses dĂ©finitions et quels sont les multiples phrasal verbs, synonymes et expressions liĂ©s Ă  ce verbe ? RĂ©ponse !

Tableaux de conjugaison de come en anglais

Conjugaison du verbe come Ă  l’indicatif

Le verbe come au present simple

  • I come
  • You come
  • He/she/it comes
  • We come
  • You come
  • They come

Le verbe come au present continuous

  • I am coming
  • You are coming
  • He/she/it is coming
  • We are coming
  • You are coming
  • They are coming

Le verbe come past simple

  • I came
  • You came
  • He/she/it came
  • We came
  • You came
  • They came

Le verbe come au past continuous

  • I was coming
  • You were coming
  • He/she/it was coming
  • We were coming
  • You were coming
  • They were coming

Le verbe come au present perfect

  • I have come
  • You have come
  • He/she/it has come
  • We have come
  • You have come
  • They have come

Le verbe come au present perfect continuous

  • I have been coming
  • You have been coming
  • He/she/it has been coming
  • We have been coming
  • You have been coming
  • They have been coming

Le verbe come au past perfect

  • I had come
  • You had come
  • He/she/it had come
  • We had come
  • You had come
  • They had come

Le verbe come au past perfect continuous

  • I had been coming
  • You had been coming
  • He/she/it had been coming
  • We had been coming
  • You had been coming
  • They had been coming

Le verbe come au future

  • I will come
  • You will come
  • He/she/it will come
  • We will come
  • You will come
  • They will come

Le verbe come au future continuous

  • I will be coming
  • You will be coming
  • He/she/it will be coming
  • We will be coming
  • You will be coming
  • They will be coming

Le verbe come au future perfect

  • I will have come
  • You will have come
  • He/she/it will have come
  • We will have come
  • You will have come
  • They will have come

Le verbe come au future perfect continuous

  • I will have been coming
  • You will have been coming
  • He/she/it will have been coming
  • We will have been coming
  • You will have been coming
  • They will have been coming

Conjugaison du verbe come au conditionnel

Le verbe come au conditional present

  • I would come
  • You would come
  • He/she/it would come
  • We would come
  • You would come
  • They would come

Le verbe come au conditional present continuous

  • I would be coming
  • You would be coming
  • He/she/it would be coming
  • We would be coming
  • You would be coming
  • They would be coming

Le verbe come au conditional perfect

  • I would have come
  • You would have come
  • He/she/it would have come
  • We would have come
  • You would have come
  • They would have come

Le verbe come au conditional perfect continuous

  • I would have been coming
  • You would have been coming
  • He/she/it would have been coming
  • We would have been coming
  • You would have been coming
  • They would have been coming

Les autres formes

L’infinitif de come

  • to come

Participe présent de come

  • coming

Participe passé de come

  • come

L’impĂ©ratif de come

  • come
  • let’s come

Note : to come est un verbe irrégulier. Découvrez les autres verbes irréguliers anglais.

DĂ©finition de come en anglais

Que veut dire le verbe come en anglais ?

Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe come.

Penchons-nous sur les principales :

1. To move or travel towards the speaker or with the speaker

I don’t think she’s going to come with us. → Je ne pense pas qu’elle va venir avec nous.

2. To move or travel in the direction of the person being spoken to

I’ll come at 8 pm and we’ll have dinner together. → – Je viendrai Ă  20 h et nous dĂźnerons ensemble.

3. To get to a particular place

They came home last week. → Il sont rentrĂ©s la semaine derniĂšre.

4. To change or develop so as to be in a different position or condition

I tried this and it came out OK. → J’ai essayĂ© ça et ça a marchĂ©.

5. To happen

It came as a surprise. → Ce fut une surprise.

6. To exist or be available

This device that we sell comes in different sizes. → Cet appareil que nous vendons existe en plusieurs formats.

7. To have an orgasm

They came at the same time. → Ils ont joui ensemble.

Pour accĂ©der Ă  l’intĂ©gralitĂ© de la page du Cambridge Dictionary, cliquez ici !

Les phrasal verbs avec come en anglais

Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes Ă  particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsqu’ils sont suivis d’un autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complĂ©tĂ© ou modifiĂ©.

Voici les principaux phrasal verbs formés sur le verbe come :

  • come about → arriver, se produire
  • come across somebody → croiser quelqu’un par hasard
  • come across something → trouver quelque chose par hasard
  • come after somebody/someone → poursuivre quelqu’un ou quelque chose (familier)
  • come along with somebody → accompagner quelqu’un
  • come apart → tomber en morceaux, se dĂ©sintĂ©grer
  • come around → reprendre ses esprits ou changer d’avis
  • come away → partir, s’en aller
  • come back → revenir, rentrer
  • come before somebody → comparaĂźtre devant (un juge, une cour)
  • come between somebody → sĂ©parer, se mettre entre deux personnes
  • come by → passer voir quelqu’un, visiter quelqu’un
  • come down → s’effondrer, s’écrouler
  • come forward → se proposer, se porter volontaire
  • come from → venir de, provenir de
  • come in → intervenir, entrer en scĂšne
  • come in for something → ĂȘtre la cible de quelque chose (familier)
  • come into something → toucher, recevoir (de l’argent)
  • come off → ĂȘtre une rĂ©ussite, ĂȘtre un succĂšs
  • come on → allez, arrĂȘte (interjection)
  • come out → sortir ou rĂ©vĂ©ler son homosexualitĂ© (familier)
  • come over → passer, faire un saut (familier)
  • come through → rĂ©ussir, surmonter (familier)
  • come to something → en matiĂšre de (when it comes to…)
  • come up → ĂȘtre posĂ©, ĂȘtre soulevĂ© (pour une question ou un sujet)
  • come up against → se heurter Ă 
  • come up with → imaginer, inventer
  • come upon → tomber sur, trouver par hasard

Les synonymes de come en anglais

En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to come par l’un des verbes suivants :

  • appear → apparaĂźtre
  • arrive → arriver
  • become → devenir
  • enter → entrer
  • get → arriver
  • go → aller
  • happen → arriver
  • occur → se produire, exister

Expressions avec come en anglais

  • come a cropper → se planter (familier)
  • come again? → vous pouvez rĂ©pĂ©ter ? / tu peux rĂ©pĂ©ter ? (familier)
  • come apart at the seams → aller de travers
  • come at a price → ne pas avoir que des avantages
  • come back from the dead → revenir de (trĂšs) loin
  • come clean → tout avouer, cracher le morceau (familier)
  • come close to something → frĂŽler, faillir faire quelque chose
  • come face to face with somebody/something → se retrouver nez Ă  nez avecquelqu’un/quelque chose
  • come first → arriver en premier
  • come full circle → la boucle est bouclĂ©e
  • come hell or high water → quoi qu’il advienne, quoi qu’il arrive
  • come in handy → ĂȘtre utile
  • come in peace → venir en paix
  • come into being → voir le jour
  • come into your own → ĂȘtre reconnu Ă  sa juste valeur
  • come to a decision → parvenir Ă  une dĂ©cision
  • come to blows → en venir aux mains
  • come to the fore → monter au crĂ©neau
  • come unstitched → aller de travers, partir Ă  vau-l’eau
  • easy come, easy go → ça va, ça vient (familier)
  • for a long time to come → pour longtemps
  • until kingdom come → jusqu’Ă  la fin des temps ou jusqu’Ă  la saint-glinglin (familier)

À l’image de choose, wear, see, learn et find, to come est aussi un verbe irrĂ©gulier. Vous devez donc particuliĂšrement faire attention aux terminaisons du passĂ©.

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Camille Carollo

Ce cours d'anglais a été créé par Camille

RĂ©dacteur web depuis 2012 et trĂšs Ă  l’aise avec la langue de Shakespeare Ă  l’écrit autant qu’à l’oral, il s’efforce de mettre sa plume au profit de cours, tutoriels et autres fiches de vocabulaire clairs, simples, et accessibles autant aux dĂ©butants qu’aux niveaux avancĂ©s !

Ses Ă©tudes littĂ©raires et sa vie personnelle l’ont amenĂ© Ă  vivre plusieurs annĂ©es Ă  Oxford, Ă  Leeds et Ă  Londres, avant de poser ses valises en rĂ©gion parisienne.

DĂ©couvrir Camille Carollo