Vous allez dĂ©couvrir en dĂ©tails la conjugaison de drive en anglais, ainsi que ses multiples dĂ©finitions, ses synonymes, ses phrasal verbs, et les expressions oĂč ce mot apparait !
Tableaux de conjugaison de drive en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe drive Ă lâindicatif
Le verbe drive au present simple
- I drive
- You drive
- He/she/it drives
- We drive
- You drive
- They drive
Le verbe drive au present continuous
- I am driving
- You are driving
- He/she/it is driving
- We are driving
- You are driving
- They are driving
Le verbe drive past simple
- I drove
- You drove
- He/she/it drove
- We drove
- You drove
- They drove
Le verbe drive au past continuous
- I was driving
- You were driving
- He/she/it was driving
- We were driving
- You were driving
- They were driving
Le verbe drive au present perfect
- I have driven
- You have driven
- He/she/it has driven
- We have driven
- You have driven
- They have driven
Le verbe drive au present perfect continuous
- I have been driving
- You have been driving
- He/she/it has been driving
- We have been driving
- You have been driving
- They have been driving
Le verbe drive au past perfect
- I had driven
- You had driven
- He/she/it had driven
- We had driven
- You had driven
- They had driven
Le verbe drive au past perfect continuous
- I had been driving
- You had been driving
- He/she/it had been driving
- We had been driving
- You had been driving
- They had been driving
Le verbe drive au future
- I will drive
- You will drive
- He/she/it will drive
- We will drive
- You will drive
- They will drive
Le verbe drive au future continuous
- I will be driving
- You will be driving
- He/she/it will be driving
- We will be driving
- You will be driving
- They will be driving
Le verbe drive au future perfect
- I will have driven
- You will have driven
- He/she/it will have driven
- We will have driven
- You will have driven
- They will have driven
Le verbe drive au future perfect continuous
- I will have been driving
- You will have been driving
- He/she/it will have been driving
- We will have been driving
- You will have been driving
- They will have been driving
Conjugaison du verbe drive au conditionnel
Le verbe drive au conditional present
- I would drive
- You would drive
- He/she/it would drive
- We would drive
- You would drive
- They would drive
Le verbe drive au conditional present continuous
- I would be driving
- You would be driving
- He/she/it would be driving
- We would be driving
- You would be driving
- They would be driving
Le verbe drive au conditional perfect
- I would have driven
- You would have driven
- He/she/it would have driven
- We would have driven
- You would have driven
- They would have driven
Le verbe drive au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been driving
- You would have been driving
- He/she/it would have been driving
- We would have been driving
- You would have been driving
- They would have been driving
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de drive
- to drive
Participe présent de drive
- driving
Participe passé de drive
- driven
L’impĂ©ratif de drive
- drive
- let’s drive
Les définitions de drive en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe drive en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe drive.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To move or travel on land in a motor vehicle, especially as the person controlling the vehicle’s movement
My boyfriend doesn’t know how to drive.
â Mon copain ne sait pas conduire.
2. To force someone or something to go somewhere or do something
The firemen drove the crowd out and extinguished the flames.
â Les pompiers ont fait sortir les gens et Ă©teint le feu.
3. To force someone or something into a particular state, often an unpleasant one
The leaders drove the country to ruin.
â Les dirigeants ont conduit le pays Ă sa perte.
4. To provide the power to keep a machine working, or to make something happen
The belt drives the pulley.
â La courroie entraine la poulie.
5. If you drive a ball, especially in golf or baseball, you hit it hard so that it travels a long way
The golfer drove the ball over the hill.
â Le golfeur a envoyĂ© la balle par-dessus la colline.
Pour accĂ©der Ă lâintĂ©gralitĂ© de la page du Cambridge Dictionary, cliquez ici !
Les phrasal verbs avec drive en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes Ă particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsquâils sont suivis dâun autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complĂ©tĂ© ou modifiĂ©.
Il existe trois phrasal verbs formés sur le verbe drive :
- drive away â partir (en voiture)
- drive by â passer devant (dans un vĂ©hicule)
- drive in â y aller en voiture
- drive into something â foncer dans quelque chose, rentrer dans quelque chose (en voiture)
- drive off â sâĂ©loigner (en voiture)
- drive somebody to do something â pousser/encourager quelquâun Ă faire quelque chose
- drive somebody to something â pousser quelquâun Ă quelque chose
- drive something down â faire baisser
- drive something forward â pousser en avant, faire avancer
- drive something into something â enfoncer quelque chose dans quelque chose
- drive something up â faire grimper (les prix)
Les synonymes de drive en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to drive par lâun des verbes suivants :
- accompany â accompagner
- motor â rouler (dans une voiture)
- propel â propulser
- ride â aller quelque part en moto, Ă vĂ©lo…
- speed â aller Ă toute vitesse, faire un excĂšs de vitesse
- steer â conduire, piloter
- take â transporter
- throw â jeter
- travel â voyager
Expressions avec drive en anglais
- drink and drive â conduire en Ă©tat d’Ă©briĂ©tĂ©/dâivresse
- drive a bargain â nĂ©gocier, marchander
- drive a hard bargain â ĂȘtre dur en affaires, ne rien lĂącher
- drive a wedge between somebody and somebody â monter quelquâun contre quelquâun
- drive at something â vouloir en venir quelque part
- drive-by (aux Ătats-Unis) â tentative dâassassinat par arme Ă feu depuis une voiture
- drive safely! â sois prudent sur la route !/rentre bien ! (se dit Ă quelquâun qui repart envoiture)
- drive somebody crazy/mad â rendre fou
- drive somebody out of his/her mind â faire perdre la tĂȘte Ă quelquâun
- drive somebody round the bend â rendre dingue (familier)
- drive somebody to despair â dĂ©sespĂ©rer quelquâun
- drive somebody up the wall â rendre chĂšvre
- drive-in (aux Ătats-Unis) â restaurant avec service au volant
- sex drive â dĂ©sir sexuel, libido
Ă lâinstar de to drink, to choose, to teach, to read et to keep, to drive est un verbe irrĂ©gulier. Il faut donc faire particuliĂšrement attention aux formes du passĂ©.