Comment conjuguer le verbe to read en anglais ? Pour tout savoir sur le verbe to read, connaître ses différentes définitions et étoffer son vocabulaire de synonymes et d’expressions liés à ce verbe, lisez notre fiche !
Tableaux de conjugaison de to read en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe read à l’indicatif
Le verbe read au present simple
- I read
- You read
- He/she/it reads
- We read
- You read
- They read
Le verbe read au present continuous
- I am reading
- You are reading
- He/she/it is reading
- We are reading
- You are reading
- They are reading
Le verbe read past simple
- I read
- You read
- He/she/it read
- We read
- You read
- They read
Le verbe read au past continuous
- I was reading
- You were reading
- He/she/it was reading
- We were reading
- You were reading
- They were reading
Le verbe read au present perfect
- I have read
- You have read
- He/she/it has read
- We have read
- You have read
- They have read
Le verbe read au present perfect continuous
- I have been reading
- You have been reading
- He/she/it has been reading
- We have been reading
- You have been reading
- They have been reading
Le verbe read au past perfect
- I had read
- You had read
- He/she/it had read
- We had read
- You had read
- They had read
Le verbe read au past perfect continuous
- I had been reading
- You had been reading
- He/she/it had been reading
- We had been reading
- You had been reading
- They had been reading
Le verbe read au future
- I will read
- You will read
- He/she/it will read
- We will read
- You will read
- They will read
Le verbe read au future continuous
- I will be reading
- You will be reading
- He/she/it will be reading
- We will be reading
- You will be reading
- They will be reading
Le verbe read au future perfect
- I will have read
- You will have read
- He/she/it will have read
- We will have read
- You will have read
- They will have read
Le verbe read au future perfect continuous
- I will have been reading
- You will have been reading
- He/she/it will have been reading
- We will have been reading
- You will have been reading
- They will have been reading
Conjugaison du verbe read au conditionnel
Le verbe read au conditional present
- I would read
- You would read
- He/she/it would read
- We would read
- You would read
- They would read
Le verbe read au conditional present continuous
- I would be reading
- You would be reading
- He/she/it would be reading
- We would be reading
- You would be reading
- They would be reading
Le verbe read au conditional perfect
- I would have read
- You would have read
- He/she/it would have read
- We would have read
- You would have read
- They would have read
Le verbe read au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been reading
- You would have been reading
- He/she/it would have been reading
- We would have been reading
- You would have been reading
- They would have been reading
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de read
- to read
Participe présent de read
- reading
Participe passé de read
- read
L’impératif de read
- read
- let’s read
À l’image de to put, to speak, to come, to hang et to see, to read est un verbe irrégulier. Il faut donc faire particulièrement attention au past simple et au participe passé.
Définition de read en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe read en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe read.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To look at words or symbols and understand what they mean
Her friend loves reading in parks and on the beach. → Son ami adore lire dans les parcs ou sur la plage.
2. To say the words that are printed or written
He reads a story to his kids at bedtime. → Il lit une histoire à ses enfants avant de s’endormir.
3. To understand and give a particular meaning to written information, a statement, a situation, etc.
The mayor read the article as a personal attack. → Le maire a pris l’article comme une attaque personnelle.
4. To hear and understand someone (especially when communicating by radio)
I read you 5 by 5. → Je vous reçois 5 sur 5.
Pour accéder à l’intégralité de la page du Cambridge Dictionary, cliquez ici !
Les phrasal verbs avec read en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes à particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsqu’ils sont suivis d’un autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complété ou modifié.
Voici les principaux phrasal verbs formés sur le verbe read.
- Read back → relire
- Read into → interpréter, déduire
- Read off → lire une liste à haute voix
- Read over → (re)lire attentivement
- Read through → lire intégralement quelque chose ou répéter (une pièce, une scène…)
- Read up → faire des recherches sur quelque chose
Les synonymes de read en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to read par l’un des verbes suivants :
- announce → annoncer
- comprehend → comprendre, saisir
- deliver → prononcer (un discours)
- interpret → interpréter
- learn → apprendre
- perceive → comprendre, saisir
- recite → réciter
- scan → lire rapidement
- utter → prononcer, dire
Expressions avec read en anglais
- read (somebody’s) lips → lire sur les lèvres (de quelqu’un)
- read between the lines → lire entre les lignes
- read somebody the riot act → passer un savon à quelqu’un (familier)
- read someone like a book → lire en quelqu’un comme dans un livre ouvert
- read someone’s mind → lire dans les pensées de quelqu’un
- read the fine/small print → lire ce qui est écrit en petits caractères
- take as read that → partir du principe que
En résumé
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