De la conjugaison de hang en anglais à ses multiples définitions, synonymes, phrasal verbs et expressions, découvrez tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur ce verbe !
Tableaux de conjugaison de hang en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe hang à l’indicatif
Le verbe hang au present simple
- I hang
- You hang
- He/she/it hangs
- We hang
- You hang
- They hang
Le verbe hang au present continuous
- I am hanging
- You are hanging
- He/she/it is hanging
- We are hanging
- You are hanging
- They are hanging
Le verbe hang past simple
- I hung
- You hung
- He/she/it hung
- We hung
- You hung
- They hung
Le verbe hang au past continuous
- I was hanging
- You were hanging
- He/she/it was hanging
- We were hanging
- You were hanging
- They were hanging
Le verbe hang au present perfect
- I have hung
- You have hung
- He/she/it has hung
- We have hung
- You have hung
- They have hung
Le verbe hang au present perfect continuous
- I have been hanging
- You have been hanging
- He/she/it has been hanging
- We have been hanging
- You have been hanging
- They have been hanging
Le verbe hang au past perfect
- I had hung
- You had hung
- He/she/it had hung
- We had hung
- You had hung
- They had hung
Le verbe hang au past perfect continuous
- I had been hanging
- You had been hanging
- He/she/it had been hanging
- We had been hanging
- You had been hanging
- They had been hanging
Le verbe hang au future
- I will hang
- You will hang
- He/she/it will hang
- We will hang
- You will hang
- They will hang
Le verbe hang au future continuous
- I will be hanging
- You will be hanging
- He/she/it will be hanging
- We will be hanging
- You will be hanging
- They will be hanging
Le verbe hang au future perfect
- I will have hung
- You will have hung
- He/she/it will have hung
- We will have hung
- You will have hung
- They will have hung
Le verbe hang au future perfect continuous
- I will have been hanging
- You will have been hanging
- He/she/it will have been hanging
- We will have been hanging
- You will have been hanging
- They will have been hanging
Conjugaison du verbe hang au conditionnel
Le verbe hang au conditional present
- I would hang
- You would hang
- He/she/it would hang
- We would hang
- You would hang
- They would hang
Le verbe hang au conditional present continuous
- I would be hanging
- You would be hanging
- He/she/it would be hanging
- We would be hanging
- You would be hanging
- They would be hanging
Le verbe hang au conditional perfect
- I would have hung
- You would have hung
- He/she/it would have hung
- We would have hung
- You would have hung
- They would have hung
Le verbe hang au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been hanging
- You would have been hanging
- He/she/it would have been hanging
- We would have been hanging
- You would have been hanging
- They would have been hanging
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de hang
- to hang
Participe présent de hang
- hanging
Participe passé de hang
- hung
L’impératif de hang
- hang
- let’s hang
À l’image de to go, to fall, to choose, to teach et to read, to hang est un verbe irrégulier. Vous devez donc faire particulièrement attention aux terminaisons du passé.
Définition de hang en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe hang en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe hang.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To fasten or support something at the top leaving the other parts free to move, or to be held in this way
Beautiful flowers hung down from the tree.
→ De magnifiques fleurs pendaient à l’arbre.
2. If you hang wallpaper, you fix it to the wall
We spent three hours hanging wallpaper.
→ Nous avons passé trois heures à coller du papier peint.
3. To hang up a bird or animal after killing it in order to make the meat relax and have a stronger taste, or to be hung up in this way
Hang the sausages to dry for 2 weeks.
→ Pendez les saucisses pendant 2 semaines pour les sécher.
4. To kill someone, especially as punishment for a serious crime, by dropping them with a rope tied around their neck, or to die in this way
The thief was hung for stealing horses.
→ Le voleur a été pendu pour avoir volé des chevaux.
5. To stay in the air
A thick fog hung over the river.
→ Un brouillard épais planait au-dessus de la rivière.
6. To curve down
The grass hung with dewdrops.
→ L’herbe était couverte de rosée.
7. To spend time relaxing with a person or in a place (familier)
She never hangs out with her friends.
→ Elle ne sort jamais avec ses amis.
8. To stop working or appearing on a screen (of a computer program or system)
The screen just hung after entering the information.
→ L’écran s’est simplement arrêté après avoir saisi les informations.
Pour accéder à l’intégralité de la page du Cambridge Dictionary, cliquez ici !
Les phrasal verbs avec hang en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes à particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsqu’ils sont suivis d’un autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complété ou modifié.
Il existe de nombreux phrasal verbs formés sur le verbe hang :
- hang around/hang about (anglais britannique) → trainer, poireauter (familier)
- hang back → rester derrière, rester en retrait
- hang down → pendre
- hang in → s’accrocher, tenir bon (familier)
- hang on (anglais américain) → rester en ligne (au téléphone)
- hang on → attendre un instant, patienter un instant (familier)
- hang on to something → ne pas arriver à se débarrasser de quelque chose (familier)
- hang out → trainer, glander (familier)
- hang together → concorder (pour différentes histoires, par exemple)
- hang together → se serrer les coudes
- hang up → raccrocher (au téléphone)
- hang up on somebody → raccrocher au nez de quelqu’un
- hang upon something → reposer sur quelque chose, dépendre de quelque chose
Les synonymes de hang en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to hang par l’un des verbes suivants :
- attach → attacher
- bend → courber
- dangle → pendre
- drape → accrocher
- execute → exécuter (tuer)
- hold → patienter (au téléphone)
- hover → planer (dans les airs)
- pin → épingler, punaiser
- stick → afficher (familier)
Expressions avec hang en anglais
- get the hang of something → piger quelque chose (familier)
- hang by a thread → ne tenir qu’à un fil
- hang in the balance → se jouer, être incertain
- hang in there! → courage/tiens bon ! (interjection familière)
- hang it/hang it all! → mince alors ! (interjection familière)
- hang loose → s’être détaché (un poster, une gouttière…)
- hang something to dry → mettre à sécher, étendre (du linge)
- hang up your boots → raccrocher les crampons, tirer sa révérence (familier)
- hang your head → baisser la tête (de honte)
- hang-up (nom) → complexe (sur son corps, son visage…)
- let it all hang out → se laisser aller, se relâcher (familier)