Quelle est la conjugaison de hold en anglais ? Quelles sont les différentes définitions de ce verbe et quels en sont les synonymes, phrasal verbs et expressions liés ? Réponses !
Tableaux de conjugaison de hold en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe hold à l’indicatif
Le verbe hold au present simple
- I hold
- You hold
- He/she/it holds
- We hold
- You hold
- They hold
Le verbe hold au present continuous
- I am holding
- You are holding
- He/she/it is holding
- We are holding
- You are holding
- They are holding
Le verbe hold past simple
- I held
- You held
- He/she/it held
- We held
- You held
- They held
Le verbe hold au past continuous
- I was holding
- You were holding
- He/she/it was holding
- We were holding
- You were holding
- They were holding
Le verbe hold au present perfect
- I have held
- You have held
- He/she/it has held
- We have held
- You have held
- They have held
Le verbe hold au present perfect continuous
- I have been holding
- You have been holding
- He/she/it has been holding
- We have been holding
- You have been holding
- They have been holding
Le verbe hold au past perfect
- I had held
- You had held
- He/she/it had held
- We had held
- You had held
- They had held
Le verbe hold au past perfect continuous
- I had been holding
- You had been holding
- He/she/it had been holding
- We had been holding
- You had been holding
- They had been holding
Le verbe hold au future
- I will hold
- You will hold
- He/she/it will hold
- We will hold
- You will hold
- They will hold
Le verbe hold au future continuous
- I will be holding
- You will be holding
- He/she/it will be holding
- We will be holding
- You will be holding
- They will be holding
Le verbe hold au future perfect
- I will have held
- You will have held
- He/she/it will have held
- We will have held
- You will have held
- They will have held
Le verbe hold au future perfect continuous
- I will have been holding
- You will have been holding
- He/she/it will have been holding
- We will have been holding
- You will have been holding
- They will have been holding
Conjugaison du verbe hold au conditionnel
Le verbe hold au conditional present
- I would hold
- You would hold
- He/she/it would hold
- We would hold
- You would hold
- They would hold
Le verbe hold au conditional present continuous
- I would be holding
- You would be holding
- He/she/it would be holding
- We would be holding
- You would be holding
- They would be holding
Le verbe hold au conditional perfect
- I would have held
- You would have held
- He/she/it would have held
- We would have held
- You would have held
- They would have held
Le verbe hold au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been holding
- You would have been holding
- He/she/it would have been holding
- We would have been holding
- You would have been holding
- They would have been holding
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de hold
- to hold
Participe présent de hold
- holding
Participe passé de hold
- held
L’impératif de hold
- hold
- let’s hold
À l’instar de to hang, to feed, to come, to tell et to run, to hold est un verbe irrégulier. Il faut donc faire particulièrement attention aux terminaisons du prétérit et du participe passé.
Définition de hold en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe hold en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe hold.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To take and keep something in your hand or arms
Can you hold my umbrella for a moment?
→ Peux-tu tenir mon parapluie un instant ?
2. To support something
The maximum weight this bridge can hold is 40 tons.
→ Le poids maximal que peut supporter ce pont est de 40 tonnes.
3. To contain or be able to contain something
A modern hard drive can hold more data than a school library.
→ Un disque dur moderne peut contenir plus de données qu’une bibliothèque scolaire.
4. If you say that the future holds something, you mean that that thing will happen
I’m looking forward to see what the future holds.
→ Je suis impatient de voir ce que l’avenir me réserve.
5. To have a particular quality
The city held no dreams for him.
→ Cette ville ne lui offrait aucun rêve.
6. To have something, especially a position or money, or to control something
I used to hold the position of sales manager.
→ J’occupais le poste de directrice des ventes.
7. To have a particular position in a competition
The company holds a dominant position in the market.
→ L’entreprise occupe une position de leader sur le marché.
8. To keep something, especially when it might have been lost
The teacher used different techniques to hold the students’ attention.
→ L’enseignant s’est servir de différentes techniques pour maintenir l’attention de ses élèves.
9. To keep someone in a place so that they cannot leave
The police held him for several hours but finally released him.
→ La police l’a retenu pendant plusieurs heures mais l’ont finalement relâché.
10. To have something such as a meeting or an election
We need to hold a meeting to discuss these issues.
→ Nous devons organiser une réunion pour discuter de ces problématiques.
11. To cause to stay or continue in the same way as before
I hope this solution holds until we find a better one.
→ J’espère que cette solution va tenir jusqu’à ce qu’on en trouve une meilleure.
12. To believe an idea or opinion
The Court held her guilty of corruption.
→ Le tribunal l’a reconnue coupable de corruption.
13. To wait, or to stop something temporarily
Could you hold the line, please?
→ Pouvez-vous patienter, s’il vous plaît ?
14. If you ask someone to hold something, you do not want them to include it
She ordered a pizza and asked the waiter to hold the black olives.
→ Elle a commandé une pizza et a demandé au serveur de ne pas mettre d’olives noires.
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Les phrasal verbs avec hold en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes à particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsqu’ils sont suivis d’un autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complété ou modifié.
Il existe beaucoup de phrasal verbs formés sur le verbe hold :
- hold back → tout garder pour soi (des sentiments, des pensées)
- hold down something/somebody → plaquer (au sol)
- hold off → ne pas pleuvoir
- hold off doing something → s’abstenir de faire quelque chose
- hold on → ne pas quitter, rester en ligne (au téléphone)
- hold on → tenir bon
- hold onto something → garder, conserver
- hold out against something/somebody → résister à, tenir bon contre quelqu’un ou quelquechose
- hold out for something → attendre (familier)
- hold somebody back → être un frein pour quelqu’un
- hold somebody back → retenir quelqu’un (physiquement)
- hold somebody to something → obliger quelqu’un à faire quelque chose, obliger quelqu’un àtenir sa promesse
- hold something against somebody → tenir rigueur à quelqu’un de quelque chose
- hold something back → cacher quelque chose (une information)
- hold something back → réprimer, refouler (des sentiments, des pensées)
- hold something in → contenir, retenir (des sentiments, des pensées)
- hold something over → reporter (familier)
- hold something up → faire un hold-up, faire un braquage
- hold together → rester uni
- hold up → tenir le coup, s’en sortir (familier)
Les synonymes de hold en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to hold par l’un des verbes suivants :
- clasp → serrer, saisir
- clutch → étreindre, empoigner
- cradle → tenir (tendrement)
- embrace → prendre dans ses bras, étreindre
- grab → saisir, agripper
- grasp → saisir, empoigner
- grip → serrer, tenir
- hug → prendre dans ses bras, étreindre
- seize → saisir, empoigner
- take → prendre
- wield → brandir (pour une arme)
Expressions avec hold en anglais
- don’t hold your breath → ne te fais pas d’illusions (expression familière)
- get hold of somebody → joindre, contacter quelqu’un
- have a hold on something → tenir fermement
- hold a candle to somebody/something → arriver à la cheville de quelqu’un
- hold a grudge → être rancunier, garder rancune
- hold a mirror up to something → montrer, révéler (une vérité)
- hold all the aces → avoir toutes les cartes en main
- hold down a job → garder un emploi, garder un travail
- hold fast to something → rester fidèle à quelque chose
- hold forth → s’étendre
- hold hands → se tenir la main, se tenir par la main
- hold it! → une minute ! (interjection familière)
- hold somebody in contempt → mépriser quelqu’un
- hold sway → exercer une influence, une emprise
- hold the fort → garder la boutique (familier)
- hold water → tenir la route (familier)
- hold your ground → camper sur ses positions
- hold your horses! → du calme ! (interjection familière)
- hold your nose → se boucher le nez
- hold your peace → se taire
- hold your tongue → tenir sa langue