DĂ©couvrez tout ce quâil faut savoir sur la conjugaison de fall en anglais : chaque temps et chaque mode, mais Ă©galement les principales dĂ©finitions de ce verbe, ses synonymes, ses phrasal verbs et ses expressions !
Tableaux de conjugaison de fall en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe fall Ă lâindicatif
Le verbe fall au present simple
- I fall
- You fall
- He/she/it falls
- We fall
- You fall
- They fall
Le verbe fall au present continuous
- I am falling
- You are falling
- He/she/it is falling
- We are falling
- You are falling
- They are falling
Le verbe fall past simple
- I fell
- You fell
- He/she/it fell
- We fell
- You fell
- They fell
Le verbe fall au past continuous
- I was falling
- You were falling
- He/she/it was falling
- We were falling
- You were falling
- They were falling
Le verbe fall au present perfect
- I have fallen
- You have fallen
- He/she/it has fallen
- We have fallen
- You have fallen
- They have fallen
Le verbe fall au present perfect continuous
- I have been falling
- You have been falling
- He/she/it has been falling
- We have been falling
- You have been falling
- They have been falling
Le verbe fall au past perfect
- I had fallen
- You had fallen
- He/she/it had fallen
- We had fallen
- You had fallen
- They had fallen
Le verbe fall au past perfect continuous
- I had been falling
- You had been falling
- He/she/it had been falling
- We had been falling
- You had been falling
- They had been falling
Le verbe fall au future
- I will fall
- You will fall
- He/she/it will fall
- We will fall
- You will fall
- They will fall
Le verbe fall au future continuous
- I will be falling
- You will be falling
- He/she/it will be falling
- We will be falling
- You will be falling
- They will be falling
Le verbe fall au future perfect
- I will have fallen
- You will have fallen
- He/she/it will have fallen
- We will have fallen
- You will have fallen
- They will have fallen
Le verbe fall au future perfect continuous
- I will have been falling
- You will have been falling
- He/she/it will have been falling
- We will have been falling
- You will have been falling
- They will have been falling
Conjugaison du verbe fall au conditionnel
Le verbe fall au conditional present
- I would fall
- You would fall
- He/she/it would fall
- We would fall
- You would fall
- They would fall
Le verbe fall au conditional present continuous
- I would be falling
- You would be falling
- He/she/it would be falling
- We would be falling
- You would be falling
- They would be falling
Le verbe fall au conditional perfect
- I would have fallen
- You would have fallen
- He/she/it would have fallen
- We would have fallen
- You would have fallen
- They would have fallen
Le verbe fall au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been falling
- You would have been falling
- He/she/it would have been falling
- We would have been falling
- You would have been falling
- They would have been falling
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de fall
- to fall
Participe présent de fall
- falling
Participe passé de fall
- fallen
L’impĂ©ratif de fall
- fall
- let’s fall
Ă l’image de to eat, to cut, to say, to lead et to think, to fall est un verbe irrĂ©gulier. Il faut donc faire particuliĂšrement attention au past simple et au participe passĂ©.
DĂ©finition de fall en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe fall en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe fall.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To suddenly go down onto the ground or towards the ground without intending to or by accident
I fell back and hurt my head.
â Je suis tombĂ© en arriĂšre et me suis fait mal Ă la tĂȘte.
2. To become lower in size, amount, or strength
The number of visitors has fallen by 25 %.
â Le nombre de visiteurs a baissĂ© de 25 %.
3. To come down onto the ground or from a high position to a lower position
The leaves are falling from the tree.
â Les feuilles tombent de l’arbre.
4. When the curtain falls in the theatre, it comes down because the play or performance has ended
When the curtain fell the applause was overwhelming.
â Lorsque le rideau est tombĂ©, les applaudissements ont Ă©tĂ© retentissants.
5. To belong to a particular group, subject, or area
This book falls into the category of novels.
â Ce livre entre dans la catĂ©gorie des romans.
6. To change to a particular condition from a different one
I fall sick every time I travel.
â Je tombe malade Ă chaque fois que je voyage.
7. To be beaten or defeated
The army fell when the enemy attacked.
â L’armĂ©e est tombĂ©e quand l’ennemi a attaquĂ©.
8. If a place falls in a war or an election, an enemy army or a different political party gets control of it
France fell to Germany in 1940.
â La France est tombĂ©e aux mains de l’Allemagne en 1940.
9. If soldiers fall while fighting, they are killed
Trees were planted in remembrance of those who fell at war.
â Des arbres ont Ă©tĂ© plantĂ©s en souvenir de ceux qui sont tombĂ©s Ă la guerre.
10. To come at a particular time or happen in a particular place
The party is falling on one of the hottest days of the year.
â La fĂȘte tombe l’un des jours les plus chauds de l’annĂ©e.
11. To hang down loosely
The shirt fell to her midthigh.
â La chemise lui arrivait Ă mi-cuisse.
Pour accĂ©der Ă lâintĂ©gralitĂ© de la page du Cambridge Dictionary, cliquez ici !
Les phrasal verbs avec fall en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes Ă particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsquâils sont suivis dâun autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complĂ©tĂ© ou modifiĂ©.
Il existe de nombreux phrasal verbs formés sur le verbe fall :
- fall across somebody â rencontrer quelquâun par hasard
- fall across something â trouver par hasard
- fall away â dĂ©cliner, diminuer
- fall away â sâenvoler, s’Ă©vaporer (au sens figurĂ© : des soucis, par exemple)
- fall away from something â s’Ă©loigner de quelque chose
- fall back â reculer, se retirer (langage militaire)
- fall back on somebody/something â compter sur quelquâun ou quelque chose (familier)
- fall behind â prendre du retard, ĂȘtre Ă la traĂźne
- fall down â Ă©chouer, tomber Ă l’eau (pour des projets)
- fall down â s’effondrer (pour un bĂątiment)
- fall for somebody â craquer pour quelquâun, flasher sur quelquâun (familier)
- fall in â s’Ă©crouler, s’affaisser
- fall in with somebody â commencer Ă frĂ©quenter (quelquâun, un groupe…)
- fall in with something â ĂȘtre d’accord avec quelque chose
- fall into something â appartenir Ă
- fall out â rompre les rangs (langage militaire)
- fall out â se fĂącher, se brouiller (familier)
- fall through â capoter (familier)
- fall upon somebody â sauter au cou de quelquâun (pour lâembrasser, le fĂ©liciter…)
Les synonymes de fall en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to fall par lâun des verbes suivants :
- arrive â arriver
- collapse â sâĂ©crouler
- decline â dĂ©cliner
- decrease â diminuer
- die â mourir
- dip â diminuer, chuter
- dive â plonger
- dwindle â diminuer, baisser
- lessen â diminuer
- occur â se produire
- perish â pĂ©rir
- plummet â faire une chute
- plunge â plonger
- sink â couler
- slump â chuter, sâaffaisser
- succumb â succomber
- take place â avoir lieu
- tumble â tomber Ă la renverse, culbuter
Expressions avec fall en anglais
- fall by the wayside â rester sur le carreau (ĂȘtre abandonnĂ©)
- fall flat â tomber Ă plat (pour une blague)
- fall for something hook, line and sinker â tout gober, tout avaler (familier)
- fall foul of something â avoir des dĂ©mĂȘlĂ©s, avoir des ennuis (judiciaires)
- fall from grace â tomber en disgrĂące
- fall guy (nom) â bouc Ă©missaire
- fall head over heels â tomber raide dingue amoureux (familier)
- fall in love â tomber amoureux
- fall in love at first sight â avoir un coup de foudre
- fall in/into line â faire la queue
- fall off the wagon â se remettre Ă boire (familier, se dit dâun ancien alcoolique en rechute)
- fall on your feet â retomber sur ses pieds (familier)
- fall on/to your knees â tomber Ă genoux
- fall on/upon deaf ears â tomber dans lâoreille dâun sourd
- fall on/upon hard times â connaĂźtre des temps difficiles (financiĂšrement)
- fall out of the habit â perdre l’habitude de faire quelque chose
- fall out of touch â perdre quelquâun de vue
- fall short â ne pas ĂȘtre Ă la hauteur
- fall through the cracks â passer entre les mailles du filet
- let the chips fall where they may â advienne que pourra
- ride for a fall â courir Ă la catastrophe (familier)
- take the fall â porter le chapeau (familier)