iSpeakSpokeSpoken vous dit tout de la conjugaison de say en anglais et vous dévoile ses définitions, synonymes et expressions !
Tableaux de conjugaison de say en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe say à l’indicatif
Le verbe say au present simple
- I say
- You say
- He/she/it says
- We say
- You say
- They say
Le verbe say au present continuous
- I am saying
- You are saying
- He/she/it is saying
- We are saying
- You are saying
- They are saying
Le verbe say au past simple
- I said
- You said
- He/she/it said
- We said
- You said
- They said
Le verbe say au past continuous
- I was saying
- You were saying
- He/she/it was saying
- We were saying
- You were saying
- They were saying
Le verbe say au present perfect
- I have said
- You have said
- He/she/it has said
- We have said
- You have said
- They have said
Le verbe say au present perfect continuous
- I have been saying
- You have been saying
- He/she/it has been saying
- We have been saying
- You have been saying
- They have been saying
Le verbe say au past perfect
- I had said
- You had said
- He/she/it had said
- We had said
- You had said
- They had said
Le verbe say au past perfect continuous
- I had been saying
- You had been saying
- He/she/it had been saying
- We had been saying
- You had been saying
- They had been saying
Le verbe say au future
- I will say
- You will say
- He/she/it will say
- We will say
- You will say
- They will say
Le verbe say au future continuous
- I will be saying
- You will be saying
- He/she/it will be saying
- We will be saying
- You will be saying
- They will be saying
Le verbe say au future perfect
- I will have said
- You will have said
- He/she/it will have said
- We will have said
- You will have said
- They will have said
Le verbe say au future perfect continuous
- I will have been saying
- You will have been saying
- He/she/it will have been saying
- We will have been saying
- You will have been saying
- They will have been saying
Conjugaison du verbe say au conditionnel
Le verbe say au conditional present
- I would say
- You would say
- He/she/it would say
- We would say
- You would say
- They would say
Le verbe say au conditional present continuous
- I would be saying
- You would be saying
- He/she/it would be saying
- We would be saying
- You would be saying
- They would be saying
Le verbe say au conditional perfect
- I would have said
- You would have said
- He/she/it would have said
- We would have said
- You would have said
- They would have said
Le verbe say au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been saying
- You would have been saying
- He/she/it would have been saying
- We would have been saying
- You would have been saying
- They would have been saying
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de say
- to say
Participe présent de say
- saying
Participe passé de say
- said
L’impératif de say
- say
- let’s say
Note : to say est un verbe irrégulier. Découvrez la liste des verbes irréguliers anglais.
Définition de say en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe say en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe say.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To pronounce words or sounds, to express a thought, opinion, or suggestion, or to state a fact or instruction
He said he was innocent.
→ Il a dit qu’il était innocent.
2. To think or believe
Some people say that all opinions are equally good.
→ Certains pensent que toutes les opinions se valent.
3. To give an opinion or suggestion about something
I’d say you’re about 35.
→ Je dirais que tu as environ 35 ans.
4. To show what you think without using words
The expression on his face said it all.
→ L’expression de son visage en disait long.
5. When something or someone is said to be a particular thing, that is what people think or believe about it, him, or her
Some plants are said to have healing properties.
→ Il est dit de certaines plantes qu’elles ont des propriétés curatives.
6. To give information in writing, numbers, or signs
When the clock says 10:00 pm, the game will be over.
→ Lorsque l’horloge affichera 22 h, le jeu sera terminé.
Pour accéder à l’intégralité de la page du Cambridge Dictionary, cliquez ici !
Les phrasal verbs avec say en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes à particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsqu’ils sont suivis d’un autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complété ou modifié.
Il n’existe pas de phrasal verbs formés sur le verbe say. En revanche, certains de ses synonymes (voir ci-dessous) en regorgent, à l’instar de :
- speak : speak about, speak out, speak up…
- talk : talk around, talk over, talk through…
Les synonymes de say en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to say par l’un des verbes suivants :
- affirm → affirmer
- announce → annoncer
- assert → affirmer
- declare → déclarer
- express → exprimer
- pronounce → prononcer
- repeat → répéter
- speak → parler
- tell → dire
- utter → prononcer
- verbalize → verbaliser/oraliser
- voice → exprimer
Expressions avec say en anglais
- as they say → comme on dit
- have a say → avoir son mot à dire
- I say! (anglais britannique) → eh bien/dites donc ! (interjection familière)
- if you say so → si tu le dis/si vous le dites
- needless to say → il va sans dire que/inutile de préciser que
- never say die! → il ne faut jamais baisser les bras ! (interjection)
- say grace → dire le bénédicité/dire les grâces
- say the word → demander de l’aide (familier)
- say uncle (anglais américain) → s’avouer vaincu
- say what! → répète ?/sérieux ? (interjection familière)
- you don’t say! → c’est pas vrai !/sans blague ! (interjection familière)
À l’instar de to run, to leave, to fly, to draw et to write, to say est aussi un verbe irrégulier. Vous devez donc particulièrement faire attention aux terminaisons du passé.