Quelle est la conjugaison de draw en anglais ? Quelles sont les multiples définitions de ce verbe, et à quels synonymes, expressions et phrasal verbs est-il associé ?
Tableaux de conjugaison de draw en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe draw Ă lâindicatif
Le verbe draw au present simple
- I draw
- You draw
- He/she/it draws
- We draw
- You draw
- They draw
Le verbe draw au present continuous
- I am drawing
- You are drawing
- He/she/it is drawing
- We are drawing
- You are drawing
- They are drawing
Le verbe draw past simple
- I drew
- You drew
- He/she/it drew
- We drew
- You drew
- They drew
Le verbe draw au past continuous
- I was drawing
- You were drawing
- He/she/it was drawing
- We were drawing
- You were drawing
- They were drawing
Le verbe draw au present perfect
- I have drawn
- You have drawn
- He/she/it has drawn
- We have drawn
- You have drawn
- They have drawn
Le verbe draw au present perfect continuous
- I have been drawing
- You have been drawing
- He/she/it has been drawing
- We have been drawing
- You have been drawing
- They have been drawing
Le verbe draw au past perfect
- I had drawn
- You had drawn
- He/she/it had drawn
- We had drawn
- You had drawn
- They had drawn
Le verbe draw au past perfect continuous
- I had been drawing
- You had been drawing
- He/she/it had been drawing
- We had been drawing
- You had been drawing
- They had been drawing
Le verbe draw au future
- I will draw
- You will draw
- He/she/it will draw
- We will draw
- You will draw
- They will draw
Le verbe draw au future continuous
- I will be drawing
- You will be drawing
- He/she/it will be drawing
- We will be drawing
- You will be drawing
- They will be drawing
Le verbe draw au future perfect
- I will have drawn
- You will have drawn
- He/she/it will have drawn
- We will have drawn
- You will have drawn
- They will have drawn
Le verbe draw au future perfect continuous
- I will have been drawing
- You will have been drawing
- He/she/it will have been drawing
- We will have been drawing
- You will have been drawing
- They will have been drawing
Conjugaison du verbe draw au conditionnel
Le verbe draw au conditional present
- I would draw
- You would draw
- He/she/it would draw
- We would draw
- You would draw
- They would draw
Le verbe draw au conditional present continuous
- I would be drawing
- You would be drawing
- He/she/it would be drawing
- We would be drawing
- You would be drawing
- They would be drawing
Le verbe draw au conditional perfect
- I would have drawn
- You would have drawn
- He/she/it would have drawn
- We would have drawn
- You would have drawn
- They would have drawn
Le verbe draw au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been drawing
- You would have been drawing
- He/she/it would have been drawing
- We would have been drawing
- You would have been drawing
- They would have been drawing
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de draw
- to draw
Participe présent de draw
- drawing
Participe passé de draw
- drawn
L’impĂ©ratif de draw
- draw
- let’s draw
Ă l’image de to do, to buy, to sleep, to make et to hang, to draw est un verbe irrĂ©gulier. Vous devez donc faire particuliĂšrement attention aux terminaisons du passĂ©.
DĂ©finition de draw en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe draw en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe draw.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To make a picture of something or someone with a pencil or pen
Can you draw a perfect circle?
â Est-ce tu sais dessiner un cercle parfait ?
2. To attract attention or interest
We would like to draw your attention to this issue.
â Nous aimerions attirer votre attention sur ce problĂšme.
3. To make or show a comparison between things
This report will draw a comparison between the two countries.
â Ce rapport dresse une comparaison entre les deux pays.
4. To move in a particular direction, especially in a vehicle
The train drew away from the station.
â Le train s’est Ă©loignĂ© de la gare.
5. If something draws a reaction, people react in the stated way
His comment drew an unexpected laugh.
â Sa remarque a suscitĂ© un rire inattendu.
6. To pull or direct something in a particular direction
I drew her aside and told the news.
â Je l’ai prise Ă part et lui ai annoncĂ© la nouvelle.
7. To choose a number, card, etc. from several numbers, cards, etc. without first seeing it, in a competition or a game
Draw one card from the deck.
â Tire une carte de la pile.
8. To take something out of a container or your pocket, especially a weapon
He drew his gun and fired.
â Il a sorti son arme et a tirĂ©.
9. To cause a substance, especially blood, to come out of a body
She got scratched by a cat and it drew blood.
â Elle s’est fait griffer par un chat et ça a saignĂ©.
10. To get a feeling, idea, etc. from something or someone
They drew inspiration from their parents.
â Ils tirent leur inspiration de leurs parents.
11. To take air or smoke into your lungs
Draw your breath and shut your eyes.
â Prends une inspiration et ferme les yeux.
12. To finish a game with the same number of points as the other person or team
The two teams draw 0-0 in the most boring game of the season.
â Les deux Ă©quipes ont fait match nul 0-0 dans le match le plus ennuyeux de la saison.
13. To get money from a bank, account, etc. so that you can use it
If you have a debit card, you can draw cash from any ATM.
â Si vous avez une carte bleue, vous pouvez retirer de l’argent depuis n’importe quel distributeur.
14. To receive money regularly, especially as an employee or from the government
The president draws a salary of $400,000.
â Le prĂ©sident touche un salaire de 400 000 dollars.
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Les phrasal verbs avec draw en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes Ă particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsquâils sont suivis dâun autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complĂ©tĂ© ou modifiĂ©.
Il existe trois phrasal verbs formés sur le verbe draw :
- draw ahead â passer devant, dĂ©passer
- draw away â s’Ă©loigner
- draw back â reculer
- draw on somebody â mettre quelquâun Ă contribution, faire appel Ă quelquâun
- draw on something â enfiler un vĂȘtement, mettre un vĂȘtement
- draw somebody aside â prendre Ă part quelquâun
- draw somebody in â attirer (capter lâattention de quelquâun)
- draw something down (contexte militaire) â rĂ©duire (le nombre de soldats, de troupes…)
- draw something out â amener quelquâun Ă rĂ©vĂ©ler quelque chose, faire parler quelquâun
- draw something up â rĂ©diger, Ă©tablir
- draw up â arriver (en voiture)
- draw upon something â utiliser quelque chose
Les synonymes de draw en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to draw par lâun des verbes suivants :
- approach â sâapprocher
- attract â attirer (lâattention)
- crayon â dessiner au crayon gras
- depict â reprĂ©senter, illustrer
- design â dessiner (un plan)
- entice â attirer (lâattention)
- lure â attirer (par la ruse)
- paint â peindre
- pencil â crayonner
- sketch â dessiner rapidement
Expressions avec draw en anglais
- beat somebody to the draw â dĂ©gainer plus vite que quelquâun
- draw a blank â avoir un trou de mĂ©moire (familier) ou faire chou blanc
- draw a check (anglais amĂ©ricain) / cheque (anglais britannique) â faire un chĂšque
- draw a conclusion â tirer une conclusion
- draw a crowd â attirer les foules
- draw a line in the sand â fixer des limites
- draw a pay check (anglais amĂ©ricain) â gagner sa vie
- draw a veil over something â jeter un voile sur quelque chose
- draw blood â faire couler le sang
- draw criticism â s’attirer des critiques
- draw first blood â frapper le premier
- draw in your horns â se montrer prudent, faire preuve de prudence
- draw lots â tirer au sort
- draw the curtain on/over something â tirer le rideau sur quelque chose, tourner la page(figurĂ©)
- draw to an end â toucher Ă sa fin
- draw together â se regrouper, se rassembler, se rĂ©unir
- draw up a plan â Ă©laborer un plan
- quick on the draw (adjectif) â rapide, rĂ©actif