Découvrez toute la conjugaison de make en anglais, ainsi que les différentes définitions de ce verbe. Étoffez aussi votre vocabulaire avec des synonymes, phrasal verbs et expressions !
Tableaux de conjugaison de make en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe make à l’indicatif
Le verbe make au present simple
- I make
- You make
- He/she/it makes
- We make
- You make
- They make
Le verbe make au present continuous
- I am making
- You are making
- He/she/it is making
- We are making
- You are making
- They are making
Le verbe make past simple
- I made
- You made
- He/she/it made
- We made
- You made
- They made
Le verbe make au past continuous
- I was making
- You were making
- He/she/it was making
- We were making
- You were making
- They were making
Le verbe make au present perfect
- I have made
- You have made
- He/she/it has made
- We have made
- You have made
- They have made
Le verbe make au present perfect continuous
- I have been making
- You have been making
- He/she/it has been making
- We have been making
- You have been making
- They have been making
Le verbe make au past perfect
- I had made
- You had made
- He/she/it had made
- We had made
- You had made
- They had made
Le verbe make au past perfect continuous
- I had been making
- You had been making
- He/she/it had been making
- We had been making
- You had been making
- They had been making
Le verbe make au future
- I will make
- You will make
- He/she/it will make
- We will make
- You will make
- They will make
Le verbe make au future continuous
- I will be making
- You will be making
- He/she/it will be making
- We will be making
- You will be making
- They will be making
Le verbe make au future perfect
- I will have made
- You will have made
- He/she/it will have made
- We will have made
- You will have made
- They will have made
Le verbe make au future perfect continuous
- I will have been making
- You will have been making
- He/she/it will have been making
- We will have been making
- You will have been making
- They will have been making
Conjugaison du verbe make au conditionnel
Le verbe make au conditional present
- I would make
- You would make
- He/she/it would make
- We would make
- You would make
- They would make
Le verbe make au conditional present continuous
- I would be making
- You would be making
- He/she/it would be making
- We would be making
- You would be making
- They would be making
Le verbe make au conditional perfect
- I would have made
- You would have made
- He/she/it would have made
- We would have made
- You would have made
- They would have made
Le verbe make au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been making
- You would have been making
- He/she/it would have been making
- We would have been making
- You would have been making
- They would have been making
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de make
- to make
Participe présent de make
- making
Participe passé de make
- made
L’impératif de make
- make
- let’s make
À l’image de to lose, to keep, to fall, to choose et to teach, to make est un verbe irrégulier. Vous devez donc faire particulièrement attention aux terminaisons du passé.
Définition de make en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe make en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe make.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To produce something, often using a particular substance or material
I’ll make some tea.
→ Je vais faire du thé.
2. To make a film or television programme is to direct, produce it, or act in it
George Lucas made the first Star Wars film in 1977.
→ George Lucas a fait le premier film Star Wars en 1977.
3. To cause something
She realized she had made a big mistake.
→ Elle se rendit compte qu’elle avait fait une grosse erreur.
4. To cause to be, to become, or to appear as
His strange behavior makes him a suspect.
→ Son comportement étrange fait de lui un suspect.
5. To perform an action
You can make phone calls from your PC.
→ Il est possible d’appeler depuis son ordinateur.
6. To produce a total when added together
5 and 3 make 8.
→ 5 et 3 font 8.
7. To calculate as (anglais britannique)
I made the total and I saw it was a real deal.
→ J’ai fait le calcul et j’ai vu que c’était une bonne affaire.
8. To earn or get
He makes $80,000 a year as a manager.
→ Il gagne 80 000 $ par an en tant que manager.
9. To arrive at or reach, especially successfully (familier)
Luckily, I made it to the station in time to catch the last train.
→ Heureusement, je suis arrivée à la gare à temps pour prendre le dernier train.
10. To succeed in getting a place in a team
He failed to make the team as a player.
→ Il n’est pas parvenu à intégrer l’équipe en tant que joueur.
11. To appear as a story in the news
The news made the headlines in the international media.
→ La nouvelle a fait les gros titres dans la presse internationale.
12. To cause to be perfect
This scarf makes the outfit.
→ Cette écharpe rend la tenue unique.
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Les phrasal verbs avec make en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes à particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsqu’ils sont suivis d’un autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complété ou modifié.
Voici les principaux phrasal verbs formés sur le verbe make :
- make after somebody → poursuivre, suivre quelqu’un
- make for something → se diriger vers
- make off → se sauver (familier)
- make off with something → prendre la fuite avec (familier, avec une valise pleine d’argent, parexemple)
- make out (anglais américain) → se rouler des pelles, se peloter (familier)
- make out (anglais américain) → s’en sortir, se débrouiller
- make out (anglais britannique) → faire croire
- make over somebody → relooker quelqu’un (familier)
- make something of something → penser quelque chose de quelque chose
- make something out → distinguer, discerner (familier)
- make something up → inventer, imaginer (familier)
- make up → se réconcilier, se rabibocher (familier)
- make up for something → compenser, rattraper
Les synonymes de make en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to make par l’un des verbes suivants :
- build → construire, bâtir
- cause → causer, provoquer
- construct → construire, bâtir
- create → créer
- develop → développer
- do → faire
- engender → engendrer
- equal → faire, égaler (mathématiques)
- fabricate → fabriquer
- forge → façonner, forger
- form → construire, former
- generate → générer
- invent → inventer
- manufacture → fabriquer, confectionner
- produce → produire, faire
Expressions avec make en anglais
- kiss and make up → faire la paix, se réconcilier (familier)
- make a beeline for something → aller droit vers (familier)
- make a big name for yourself → se faire un nom
- make a bolt for something → se précipiter vers quelque chose (familier)
- make a breakthrough → faire une découverte capitale
- make a comeback → faire son grand retour
- make a deal → conclure une affaire
- make a federal case of something (anglais américain) → faire tout un plat de quelque chose
- make a fool of yourself → se ridiculiser
- make a fuss → faire toute une histoire de quelque chose, en faire tout un fromage
- make a killing → faire fortune (familier)
- make a mountain out of a molehill → en faire des tonnes, en faire des caisses (familier)
- make a move on somebody → draguer quelqu’un (familier)
- make a pass at somebody → faire des avances à quelqu’un (familier)
- make a spectacle of yourself → se donner en spectacle
- make a splash → faire sensation
- make allowances for somebody → faire preuve de tolérance, se montrer indulgent enversquelqu’un
- make an apology → présenter ses excuses, s’excuser
- make as if to do something → faire comme si on faisait quelque chose (familier)
- make do with what you’ve got → faire avec ce que l’on a
- make ducks and drakes of something → gaspiller, gâcher (de l’argent, par exemple)
- make hay while the sun shines → battre le fer tant qu’il est chaud
- make heavy weather of something → se compliquer la vie (familier)
- make no bones about something → ne pas cacher, dire en toute franchise
- make no difference → être du pareil au même
- make somebody’s flesh creep → donner la chair de poule à quelqu’un
- make strange bedfellows → former une drôle d’équipe
- make waves → faire des vagues
- make your blood curdle → glacer le sang
- makeup/make-up (nom) → maquillage