Le verbe eat en anglais : conjugaison, définition, synonymes et expressions

Quelle est la conjugaison de eat en anglais ? Quelles sont les dĂ©finitions de ce verbe ? À quels synonymes, expressions et phrasal verbs est-il associĂ© ?

Tableaux de conjugaison de eat en anglais

Conjugaison du verbe eat Ă  l’indicatif

Le verbe eat au present simple

  • I eat
  • You eat
  • He/she/it eats
  • We eat
  • You eat
  • They eat

Le verbe eat au present continuous

  • I am eating
  • You are eating
  • He/she/it is eating
  • We are eating
  • You are eating
  • They are eating

Le verbe eat past simple

  • I ate
  • You ate
  • He/she/it ate
  • We ate
  • You ate
  • They ate

Le verbe eat au past continuous

  • I was eating
  • You were eating
  • He/she/it was eating
  • We were eating
  • You were eating
  • They were eating

Le verbe eat au present perfect

  • I have eaten
  • You have eaten
  • He/she/it has eaten
  • We have eaten
  • You have eaten
  • They have eaten

Le verbe eat au present perfect continuous

  • I have been eating
  • You have been eating
  • He/she/it has been eating
  • We have been eating
  • You have been eating
  • They have been eating

Le verbe eat au past perfect

  • I had eaten
  • You had eaten
  • He/she/it had eaten
  • We had eaten
  • You had eaten
  • They had eaten

Le verbe eat au past perfect continuous

  • I had been eating
  • You had been eating
  • He/she/it had been eating
  • We had been eating
  • You had been eating
  • They had been eating

Le verbe eat au future

  • I will eat
  • You will eat
  • He/she/it will eat
  • We will eat
  • You will eat
  • They will eat

Le verbe eat au future continuous

  • I will be eating
  • You will be eating
  • He/she/it will be eating
  • We will be eating
  • You will be eating
  • They will be eating

Le verbe eat au future perfect

  • I will have eaten
  • You will have eaten
  • He/she/it will have eaten
  • We will have eaten
  • You will have eaten
  • They will have eaten

Le verbe eat au future perfect continuous

  • I will have been eating
  • You will have been eating
  • He/she/it will have been eating
  • We will have been eating
  • You will have been eating
  • They will have been eating

Conjugaison du verbe eat au conditionnel

Le verbe eat au conditional present

  • I would eat
  • You would eat
  • He/she/it would eat
  • We would eat
  • You would eat
  • They would eat

Le verbe eat au conditional present continuous

  • I would be eating
  • You would be eating
  • He/she/it would be eating
  • We would be eating
  • You would be eating
  • They would be eating

Le verbe eat au conditional perfect

  • I would have eaten
  • You would have eaten
  • He/she/it would have eaten
  • We would have eaten
  • You would have eaten
  • They would have eaten

Le verbe eat au conditional perfect continuous

  • I would have been eating
  • You would have been eating
  • He/she/it would have been eating
  • We would have been eating
  • You would have been eating
  • They would have been eating

Les autres formes

L’infinitif de eat

  • to eat

Participe présent de eat

  • eating

Participe passé de eat

  • eaten

L’impĂ©ratif de eat

  • eat
  • let’s eat

À l’instar de to drive, to come, to tell, to run et to know, to eat est un verbe irrĂ©gulier. Vous devez donc faire particuliĂšrement attention aux terminaisons du passĂ©.

DĂ©finition de eat en anglais

Que veut dire le verbe eat en anglais ?

Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs dĂ©finitions du verbe eat.

Penchons-nous sur les principales :

1. To put or take food into the mouth, chew it, and swallow it

Vegetarians don’t eat meat.
→ Les vĂ©gĂ©tariens ne mangent pas de viande.

2. To damage or destroy something

The substance has eaten into the concrete.
→ La substance a Ă©rodĂ© le ciment.

Pour accĂ©der Ă  l’intĂ©gralitĂ© de la page du Cambridge Dictionary, cliquez ici !

Les phrasal verbs avec eat en anglais

Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes Ă  particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsqu’ils sont suivis d’un autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complĂ©tĂ© ou modifiĂ©.

Il existe trois phrasal verbs formĂ©s sur le verbe eat :

  • eat away at somebody/something â†’ ronger, dĂ©vorer (au sens figurĂ©, comme un souci par exemple)
  • eat in â†’ manger Ă  la maison
  • eat into something â†’ entamer (au sens figurĂ©, comme un budget par exemple)
  • eat out â†’ sortir diner, aller au restaurant
  • eat something away â†’ Ă©roder
  • eat something up â†’ gober, avaler (au sens figurĂ©, comme un mensonge par exemple)
  • eat up â†’ finir son assiette, vider son assiette (familier)

Les synonymes de eat en anglais

En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to eat par l’un des verbes suivants :

  • banquet â†’ faire un festin
  • bite â†’ croquer dans (un aliment)
  • breakfast â†’ prendre le petit-dĂ©jeuner
  • chew â†’ mĂącher, mastiquer
  • devour â†’ dĂ©vorer, engloutir
  • dine â†’ dĂźner
  • gorge â†’ s’empiffrer, se goinfrer (familier)
  • gormandize â†’ manger goulĂ»ment
  • graze â†’ grignoter (familier)
  • ingest â†’ ingĂ©rer
  • lunch â†’ dĂ©jeuner
  • munch â†’ manger bruyamment
  • nibble â†’ grignoter
  • nosh â†’ bouffer, grailler (familier)
  • pick â†’ picorer
  • scarf â†’ engloutir
  • scoff â†’ s’enfiler (un aliment, familier)
  • snack â†’ grignoter
  • sup â†’ souper (terme trĂšs vieilli)
  • swallow â†’ avaler
  • wolf â†’ dĂ©vorer, engloutir

Expressions avec eat en anglais

  • all-you-can-eat (adjectif) → Ă  volontĂ©
  • dog eat dog â†’ chacun pour soi
  • eat crow (anglais amĂ©ricain) → admettre son erreur (familier)
  • eat dirt â†’ mordre la poussiĂšre (familier)
  • eat high off the hog â†’ mener la belle vie
  • eat humble pie (anglais britannique) → faire amende honorable (familier)
  • eat like a bird â†’ avoir un appĂ©tit de moineau
  • eat like a horse â†’ manger comme quatre
  • eat out of somebody’s hand â†’ manger dans la main de quelqu’un (au sens figurĂ©)
  • eat your fill â†’ manger Ă  satiĂ©tĂ©
  • eat your words â†’ se rĂ©tracter
  • eat, drink and be merry â†’ profiter de la vie
  • have your cake and eat it â†’ avoir le beurre et l’argent du beurre
  • safe to eat (adjectif) â†’ sans risque pour la santĂ© (pour de la nourriture)

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Camille Carollo

Ce cours d'anglais a été créé par Camille

RĂ©dacteur web depuis 2012 et trĂšs Ă  l’aise avec la langue de Shakespeare Ă  l’écrit autant qu’à l’oral, il s’efforce de mettre sa plume au profit de cours, tutoriels et autres fiches de vocabulaire clairs, simples, et accessibles autant aux dĂ©butants qu’aux niveaux avancĂ©s !

Ses Ă©tudes littĂ©raires et sa vie personnelle l’ont amenĂ© Ă  vivre plusieurs annĂ©es Ă  Oxford, Ă  Leeds et Ă  Londres, avant de poser ses valises en rĂ©gion parisienne.

DĂ©couvrir Camille Carollo