Découvrez toute la conjugaison de cut en anglais, ainsi que ses (nombreuses et nombreux !) définitions, phrasal verbs, synonymes et expressions !
Tableaux de conjugaison de cut en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe cut Ă lâindicatif
Le verbe cut au present simple
- I cut
- You cut
- He/she/it cuts
- We cut
- You cut
- They cut
Le verbe cut au present continuous
- I am cutting
- You are cutting
- He/she/it is cutting
- We are cutting
- You are cutting
- They are cutting
Le verbe cut past simple
- I cut
- You cut
- He/she/it cut
- We cut
- You cut
- They cut
Le verbe cut au past continuous
- I was cutting
- You were cutting
- He/she/it was cutting
- We were cutting
- You were cutting
- They were cutting
Le verbe cut au present perfect
- I have cut
- You have cut
- He/she/it has cut
- We have cut
- You have cut
- They have cut
Le verbe cut au present perfect continuous
- I have been cutting
- You have been cutting
- He/she/it has been cutting
- We have been cutting
- You have been cutting
- They have been cutting
Le verbe cut au past perfect
- I had cut
- You had cut
- He/she/it had cut
- We had cut
- You had cut
- They had cut
Le verbe cut au past perfect continuous
- I had been cutting
- You had been cutting
- He/she/it had been cutting
- We had been cutting
- You had been cutting
- They had been cutting
Le verbe cut au future
- I will cut
- You will cut
- He/she/it will cut
- We will cut
- You will cut
- They will cut
Le verbe cut au future continuous
- I will be cutting
- You will be cutting
- He/she/it will be cutting
- We will be cutting
- You will be cutting
- They will be cutting
Le verbe cut au future perfect
- I will have cut
- You will have cut
- He/she/it will have cut
- We will have cut
- You will have cut
- They will have cut
Le verbe cut au future perfect continuous
- I will have been cutting
- You will have been cutting
- He/she/it will have been cutting
- We will have been cutting
- You will have been cutting
- They will have been cutting
Conjugaison du verbe carry au conditionnel
Le verbe cut au conditional present
- I would cut
- You would cut
- He/she/it would cut
- We would cut
- You would cut
- They would cut
Le verbe cut au conditional present continuous
- I would be cutting
- You would be cutting
- He/she/it would be cutting
- We would be cutting
- You would be cutting
- They would be cutting
Le verbe cut au conditional perfect
- I would have cut
- You would have cut
- He/she/it would have cut
- We would have cut
- You would have cut
- They would have cut
Le verbe cut au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been cutting
- You would have been cutting
- He/she/it would have been cutting
- We would have been cutting
- You would have been cutting
- They would have been cutting
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de cut
- to cut
Participe présent de cut
- cutting
Participe passé de cut
- cut
L’impĂ©ratif de cut
- cut
- let’s cut
Ă l’image de to come, to write, to send, to leave et to fly, to cut est un verbe irrĂ©gulier. Il faut donc faire particuliĂšrement attention au past simple et au participe passĂ©.
DĂ©finition de cut en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe cut en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe cut.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To break the surface of something, or to divide or make something smaller, using a sharp tool, especially a knife
Ceramic knives cut better than metal knives. â Les couteaux en cĂ©ramique coupent mieux que les couteaux en mĂ©tal.
2. To make something shorter, lower, smaller, etc.
Last year, the company had to cut its budget by 30 %. â L’annĂ©e derniĂšre, l’entreprise a dĂ» rĂ©duire ses coĂ»ts de 30 %.
3. To remove something from something else
Th doctor cut the tumour out of his back. â Le docteur a retirĂ© la tumeur de son dos.
4. To not go, especially to a place where you should be (familier)
Anna suggested to cut classes and go to the beach. â Anna proposa de sĂ©cher les cours et d’aller Ă la plage.
5. To stop or interrupt something
The film director shouted, “Cut! That’s a wrap!” â “Coupez ! C’est dans la boĂźte !”, cria le rĂ©alisateur.
6. To go through or across a place, especially in order to get somewhere quickly
It should be quicker if we cut through the forest. â Ăa devrait ĂȘtre plus rapide si on coupe par le bois.
7. To choose a playing card by dividing a pile of cards into two parts
The first player shuffles the cards and cuts them. â Le premier joueur bat les cartes et coupe.
8. To record music or speech on a record
They cut their first record in 1964. â Ils ont enregistrĂ© leur premier album en 1964.
Pour accĂ©der Ă lâintĂ©gralitĂ© de la page du Cambridge Dictionary, cliquez ici !
Les phrasal verbs avec cut en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes Ă particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsquâils sont suivis dâun autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complĂ©tĂ© ou modifiĂ©.
Il existe deux phrasal verbs formés sur le verbe cut :
- cut across something â passer au travers de
- cut away â changer de plan (dans le langage cinĂ©matographique)
- cut back â rĂ©duire/diminuer ses dĂ©penses (familier)
- cut down â rĂ©duire/limiter sa consommation
- cut in â couper la parole
- cut out â retirer, Ă©liminer ou se couper (pour lâĂ©lectricitĂ©)
- cut somebody down â faucher (dans le sens dâĂŽter la vie)
- cut somebody off â couper les ponts avec quelquâun
- cut somebody up (anglais britannique)/cut in â faire une queue de poisson Ă quelquâun (familier)
- cut something over â transfĂ©rer (via lâinformatique, comme un fichier par exemple)
- cut something short â Ă©courter, abrĂ©ger
- cut up (anglais amĂ©ricain) â faire le pitre (familier)
- cut up â tronçonner (un arbre)
- cut up about something (anglais amĂ©ricain) â plaisanter au sujet de (familier)
Les synonymes de cut en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to cut par lâun des verbes suivants :
- carve â dĂ©couper (de la viande)
- chip â tailler, couper en lamelles
- chop â couper
- cleave â fendre
- clip â couper, tailler
- crop â tailler (en jardinage)
- curtail â Ă©courter, abrĂ©ger (un sĂ©jour ou une visite)
- dice â couper en dĂ©s (en cuisine)
- divide â diviser
- mince â Ă©mincer (en cuisine)
- rip â dĂ©chirer
- separate â sĂ©parer
- slash â taillader, entailler
- slice â couper en tranches, dĂ©couper
- slit â couper, inciser
- snip â dĂ©couper
Expressions avec cut en anglais
- a cut above something/somebody â un cran au-dessus de (familier)
- cut a (wide) swathe â attirer l’attention, marquer les esprits, laisser son empreinte
- cut a dash/cut quite a figure â avoir belle allure
- cut a deal â conclure un marchĂ©
- cut and paste â faire un couper-coller (en informatique)
- cut and run â partir en courant, dĂ©camper (familier)
- cut both ways â ĂȘtre Ă double tranchant
- cut corners â faire des Ă©conomies (familier)
- cut in line (anglais amĂ©ricain) â passer devant (dans une queue)
- cut it fine â ne pas prendre de risques
- cut loose â s’Ă©manciper, devenir indĂ©pendant (familier)
- cut no ice â ne pas impressionner quelquâun ou ne pas prendre, ne pas marcher (desmanigances)
- cut off your nose to spite your face â se tirer une balle dans le pied
- cut somebody down to size â remettre quelquâun Ă sa place
- cut somebody off at the knees â humilier
- cut somebody some slack â ĂȘtre indulgent envers quelquâun
- cut somebody to the quick â piquer quelquâun au vif (le vexer, le peiner)
- cut something to ribbons â dĂ©chiqueter
- cut the ground from under somebody â dĂ©stabiliser, mettre quelquâun en difficultĂ©
- cut the mustard â ĂȘtre Ă la hauteur
- cut to fit (adjectif) â taillĂ© sur-mesure
- cut to the chase â aller droit au but (familier)
- cut your teeth â faire ses dents (chez les bĂ©bĂ©s) ou se faire les dents (dans un travail ou un domaine particulier)
- cut-off date â date limite
- have your work cut out for you â avoir du pain sur la planche (familier)