Temps, modes, définition, phrasal verbs, synonymes et expressions : à la fin de cette page, la conjugaison de send en anglais n’aura plus aucun secret pour vous !
Tableaux de conjugaison de to send en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe send à l’indicatif
Le verbe send au present simple
- I send
- You send
- He/she/it sends
- We send
- You send
- They send
Le verbe send au present continuous
- I am sending
- You are sending
- He/she/it is sending
- We are sending
- You are sending
- They are sending
Le verbe send past simple
- I sent
- You sent
- He/she/it sent
- We sent
- You sent
- They sent
Le verbe send au past continuous
- I was sending
- You were sending
- He/she/it was sending
- We were sending
- You were sending
- They were sending
Le verbe send au present perfect
- I have sent
- You have sent
- He/she/it has sent
- We have sent
- You have sent
- They have sent
Le verbe send au present perfect continuous
- I have been sending
- You have been sending
- He/she/it has been sending
- We have been sending
- You have been sending
- They have been sending
Le verbe send au past perfect
- I had sent
- You had sent
- He/she/it had sent
- We had sent
- You had sent
- They had sent
Le verbe send au past perfect continuous
- I had been sending
- You had been sending
- He/she/it had been sending
- We had been sending
- You had been sending
- They had been sending
Le verbe send au future
- I will send
- You will send
- He/she/it will send
- We will send
- You will send
- They will send
Le verbe send au future continuous
- I will be sending
- You will be sending
- He/she/it will be sending
- We will be sending
- You will be sending
- They will be sending
Le verbe send au future perfect
- I will have sent
- You will have sent
- He/she/it will have sent
- We will have sent
- You will have sent
- They will have sent
Le verbe send au future perfect continuous
- I will have been sending
- You will have been sending
- He/she/it will have been sending
- We will have been sending
- You will have been sending
- They will have been sending
Conjugaison du verbe send au conditionnel
Le verbe send au conditional present
- I would send
- You would send
- He/she/it would send
- We would send
- You would send
- They would send
Le verbe send au conditional present continuous
- I would be sending
- You would be sending
- He/she/it would be sending
- We would be sending
- You would be sending
- They would be sending
Le verbe send au conditional perfect
- I would have sent
- You would have sent
- He/she/it would have sent
- We would have sent
- You would have sent
- They would have sent
Le verbe send au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been sending
- You would have been sending
- He/she/it would have been sending
- We would have been sending
- You would have been sending
- They would have been sending
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de send
- to send
Participe présent de send
- sending
Participe passé de send
- sent
L’impératif de send
- send
- let’s send
À l’instar de to see, to make, to hang, to drive et to buy, to send est un verbe irrégulier. Vous devez donc faire particulièrement attention aux terminaisons du passé.
Définition de send en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe send en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe send.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To cause something to go from one place to another, especially by post or email
I’ll send you the parcel tomorrow. → Je t’enverrai le colis demain.
2. To cause or order someone to go and do something
They sent their daughters to the best school in town. → Ils ont envoyé leurs enfants dans la meilleure école de la ville.
3. To cause someone or something to do a particular thing, or to cause something to happen
When you click open, it sends you to the login screen. → Quand tu cliques sur ouvrir, ça te renvoie à l’écran de connexion.
4. To make something move quickly by force
A high wind sent clouds of dust across the plain. → Un vent fort dissémina des nuages de poussière sur la plaine.
Pour accéder à l’intégralité de la page du Cambridge Dictionary, cliquez ici !
Les phrasal verbs avec send en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes à particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsqu’ils sont suivis d’un autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complété ou modifié.
Voici les principaux phrasal verbs formés sur le verbe send :
- send away for something → commander par correspondance
- send out for something → commander
- send somebody away → renvoyer quelqu’un
- send somebody down (anglais américain) → envoyer quelqu’un en prison, condamner quelqu’un
- send somebody off → envoyer quelqu’un (quelque part ou faire quelque chose)
- send something back → retourner quelque chose (dans le sens de “renvoyer”)
- send something/somebody up (anglaise britannique) → parodier, tourner en ridicule
Les synonymes de send en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to send par l’un des verbes suivants :
- address → adresser
- deliver → livrer
- dispatch → expédier
- forward → faire parvenir
- issue → distribuer
- post → mettre au courrier
- ship → expédier
Expressions avec send en anglais
- God-sent (adjectif) → comme un cadeau tombé du ciel
- send somebody away with a flea in their ear → envoyer promener quelqu’un (familier)
- send somebody packing → envoyer balader quelqu’un (familier)
- send somebody to Coventry → mettre à l’écart, laisser sur la touche
- send word → faire passer le mot
- sendoff/send-off → fête de départ