Découvrez en détail la conjugaison de quit en anglais, et parcourez-en les définitions, synonymes, expressions et phrasal verbs !
Tableaux de conjugaison de quit en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe quit à l’indicatif
Le verbe quit au present simple
- I quit
- You quit
- He/she/it quits
- We quit
- You quit
- They quit
Le verbe quit au present continuous
- I am quitting
- You are quitting
- He/she/it is quitting
- We are quitting
- You are quitting
- They are quitting
Le verbe quit au past simple
- I quit
- You quit
- He/she/it quit
- We quit
- You quit
- They quit
Le verbe quit au past continuous
- I was quitting
- You were quitting
- He/she/it was quitting
- We were quitting
- You were quitting
- They were quitting
Le verbe quit au present perfect
- I have quit
- You have quit
- He/she/it has quit
- We have quit
- You have quit
- They have quit
Le verbe quit au present perfect continuous
- I have been quitting
- You have been quitting
- He/she/it has been quitting
- We have been quitting
- You have been quitting
- They have been quitting
Le verbe quit au past perfect
- I had quit
- You had quit
- He/she/it had quit
- We had quit
- You had quit
- They had quit
Le verbe quit au past perfect continuous
- I had been quitting
- You had been quitting
- He/she/it had been quitting
- We had been quitting
- You had been quitting
- They had been quitting
Le verbe quit au future
- I will quit
- You will quit
- He/she/it will quit
- We will quit
- You will quit
- They will quit
Le verbe quit au future continuous
- I will be quitting
- You will be quitting
- He/she/it will be quitting
- We will be quitting
- You will be quitting
- They will be quitting
Le verbe quit au future perfect
- I will have quit
- You will have quit
- He/she/it will have quit
- We will have quit
- You will have quit
- They will have quit
Le verbe quit au future perfect continuous
- I will have been quitting
- You will have been quitting
- He/she/it will have been quitting
- We will have been quitting
- You will have been quitting
- They will have been quitting
Conjugaison du verbe quit au conditionnel
Le verbe quit au conditional present
- I would quit
- You would quit
- He/she/it would quit
- We would quit
- You would quit
- They would quit
Le verbe quit au conditional present continuous
- I would be quitting
- You would be quitting
- He/she/it would be quitting
- We would be quitting
- You would be quitting
- They would be quitting
Le verbe quit au conditional perfect
- I would have quit
- You would have quit
- He/she/it would have quit
- We would have quit
- You would have quit
- They would have quit
Le verbe quit au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been quitting
- You would have been quitting
- He/she/it would have been quitting
- We would have been quitting
- You would have been quitting
- They would have been quitting
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de quit
- to quit
Participe présent de quit
- quitting
Participe passé de quit
- quit
L’impératif de quit
- quit
- let’s quit
À l’image de to learn, to draw, to hang, to lose et to meet, to quit est un verbe irrégulier. Vous devez donc faire particulièrement attention aux terminaisons du passé.
Définition de quit en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe quit en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe quit.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To leave your job
He decided to quit his job and move to L.A..
→ Il a décidé de quitter son travail et de partir à Los Angeles.
2. To stop doing something
I’ve decided to quit smoking.
→ J’ai décidé d’arrêter de fumer.
3. To close a program on a computer
Quit all your apps before restarting your device.
→ Fermez toutes les applications avant de redémarrer votre appareil.
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Les phrasal verbs avec quit en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes à particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsqu’ils sont suivis d’un autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complété ou modifié.
Voici les principaux phrasal verbs formés sur le verbe quit :
- quit on someone (pour un objet inanimé) → cesser de fonctionner (alors que quelqu’un l’utilise)
- quit on someone (pour une personne) → abandonner quelqu’un, faire défaut à quelqu’un
- quit over someone or something → arrêter quelque chose (à cause d’une dispute)
Les synonymes de quit en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to quit par l’un des verbes suivants :
- abandon → abandonner
- abdicate → abdiquer
- cease → cesser, s’arrêter
- decamp → décamper (familier)
- depart → partir, quitter
- desert → déserter
- desist → cesser
- end → mettre fin à
- evacuate → quitter les lieux, évacuer les lieux
- exit → sortir
- forsake → abandonner, délaisser
- give up → abandonner, arrêter de faire quelque chose
- go → partir
- leave → quitter
- renounce → renoncer
- resign → démissionner
- retire → prendre sa retraite
- vacate → quitter (un poste)
Expressions avec quit en anglais
- force quit → forcer l’arrêt (d’un programme informatique)
- notice to quit (nom) → avis d’expulsion
- quit scores → régler les comptes, équilibrer les comptes
- quit smoking → arrêter de fumer, arrêter la cigarette
- quit while you’re ahead → s’arrêter à temps