Temps, modes, dĂ©finitions, phrasal verbs, synonymes et expressions: pour tout savoir de la conjugaison de catch en anglais, câest par ici !
Tableaux de conjugaison de catch en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe catch Ă lâindicatif
Le verbe catch au present simple
- I catch
- You catch
- He/she/it catches
- We catch
- You catch
- They catch
Le verbe catch au present continuous
- I am catching
- You are catching
- He/she/it is catching
- We are catching
- You are catching
- They are catching
Le verbe catch past simple
- I caught
- You caught
- He/she/it caught
- We caught
- You caught
- They caught
Le verbe catch au past continuous
- I was catching
- You were catching
- He/she/it was catching
- We were catching
- You were catching
- They were catching
Le verbe catch au present perfect
- I have caught
- You have caught
- He/she/it has caught
- We have caught
- You have caught
- They have caught
Le verbe catch au present perfect continuous
- I have been catching
- You have been catching
- He/she/it has been catching
- We have been catching
- You have been catching
- They have been catching
Le verbe catch au past perfect
- I had caught
- You had caught
- He/she/it had caught
- We had caught
- You had caught
- They had caught
Le verbe catch au past perfect continuous
- I had been catching
- You had been catching
- He/she/it had been catching
- We had been catching
- You had been catching
- They had been catching
Le verbe catch au future
- I will catch
- You will catch
- He/she/it will catch
- We will catch
- You will catch
- They will catch
Le verbe catch au future continuous
- I will be catching
- You will be catching
- He/she/it will be catching
- We will be catching
- You will be catching
- They will be catching
Le verbe catch au future perfect
- I will have caught
- You will have caught
- He/she/it will have caught
- We will have caught
- You will have caught
- They will have caught
Le verbe catch au future perfect continuous
- I will have been catching
- You will have been catching
- He/she/it will have been catching
- We will have been catching
- You will have been catching
- They will have been catching
Conjugaison du verbe catch au conditionnel
Le verbe catch au conditional present
- I would catch
- You would catch
- He/she/it would catch
- We would catch
- You would catch
- They would catch
Le verbe catch au conditional present continuous
- I would be catching
- You would be catching
- He/she/it would be catching
- We would be catching
- You would be catching
- They would be catching
Le verbe catch au conditional perfect
- I would have caught
- You would have caught
- He/she/it would have caught
- We would have caught
- You would have caught
- They would have caught
Le verbe catch au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been catching
- You would have been catching
- He/she/it would have been catching
- We would have been catching
- You would have been catching
- They would have been catching
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de catch
- to catch
Participe présent de catch
- catching
Participe passé de catch
- caught
L’impĂ©ratif de catch
- catch
- let’s catch
Note : to catch est un verbe irrégulier. Découvrez tous les autres verbes irréguliers anglais.
DĂ©finition de catch en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe catch en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe catch.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To take hold of something, especially something that is moving through the air
If you throw the ball, I’ll catch it. â Si tu lances la balle, je l’attraperai.
2. To find and stop a person or animal that is trying to escape
Catch me if you can! â Attrape-moi si tu peux !
3. To discover, see, or realize something, especially someone doing something wrong
The teacher caught them cheating. â Le professeur les a surpris en train de tricher.
4. To make someone notice something and feel interested
The book cover caught my attention. â La couverture du livre a attirĂ© mon attention.
5. To travel or be able to travel on an aircraft, train, bus, etc.
If you hurry, you can catch the bus. â Si tu te dĂ©pĂȘches, tu peux attraper le bus.
6. To get an illness, especially one caused by bacteria or a virus
Zip your coat or you will catch the flu! â Ferme ton manteau ou tu vas attraper la grippe !
7. To manage to hear or see something, so you understand or remember it
Did you catch what she was saying? â Est-ce que tu as compris ce qu’elle a dit ?
8. To go to a place in order to see or watch something, such as a film or show
She returned home to catch the news. â Elle est rentrĂ©e pour regarder les infos.
9. To stick somewhere, or to make something stick somewhere
The ship got caught in the ice. â Le bateau est restĂ© coincĂ© dans la glace.
10. To hit something, especially without intending to
His foot caught the desk behind him. â Il s’est cognĂ© le pied contre le bureau derriĂšre lui.
Pour accĂ©der Ă lâintĂ©gralitĂ© de la page du Cambridge Dictionary, cliquez ici !
Les phrasal verbs avec catch en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes Ă particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsquâils sont suivis dâun autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complĂ©tĂ© ou modifiĂ©.
Il existe deux phrasal verbs formés sur le verbe catch :
- catch on â piger ou devenir Ă la mode (familier)
- catch somebody out â prendre quelquâun sur le fait (familier)
- catch up â rattraper son retard ou se voir, discuter (familier)
- catch up with somebody â prendre des nouvelles de quelquâun (familier)
Les synonymes de catch en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to catch par lâun des verbes suivants :
- arrest â arrĂȘter
- capture â capturer
- clench â saisir, agripper
- clutch â empoigner, agripper
- detect â dĂ©tecter
- grab â saisir, agripper
- intercept â intercepter
- seize â saisir, empoigner
- spot â repĂ©rer
- take â prendre
Expressions avec catch en anglais
- catch 22 â cercle vicieux, situation inextricable
- catch hell (anglais amĂ©ricain) â se prendre un savon, se faire remonter les bretelles (familier)
- catch phrase â slogan
- catch somebody flat-footed â prendre quelquâun au dĂ©pourvu
- catch somebody off guard â prendre quelquâun par surprise
- catch somebody red handed â prendre quelquâun la main dans le sac, en flagrant dĂ©lit
- catch somebody unawares â prendre quelquâun de court
- catch somebodyâs attention â attirer l’attention de quelquâun
- catch somebodyâs eye â attirer le regard de quelquâun
- catch wind of something â avoir vent de quelque chose (familier)
- catch-as-catch-can (adjectif) â avec les moyens du bord
- play catch-up â se mettre Ă la page (familier)
Comme buy, tell, run, know et feed, to catch est aussi un verbe irrégulier. Vous devez donc particuliÚrement faire attention aux terminaisons du passé.