Le verbe carry en anglais : conjugaison, définition, synonymes et expressions

Vous allez dĂ©couvrir notre fiche complĂšte dĂ©diĂ©e Ă  la conjugaison de carry en anglais : chaque temps et chaque mode, ainsi qu’une liste dĂ©taillĂ©e de dĂ©finitions, de phrasal verbs, de synonymes et d’expressions !

Tableaux de conjugaison de carry en anglais

Conjugaison du verbe carry Ă  l’indicatif

Le verbe carry au present simple

  • I carry
  • You carry
  • He/she/it carries
  • We carry
  • You carry
  • They carry

Le verbe carry au present continuous

  • I am carrying
  • You are carrying
  • He/she/it is carrying
  • We are carrying
  • You are carrying
  • They are carrying

Le verbe carry past simple

  • I carried
  • You carried
  • He/she/it carried
  • We carried
  • You carried
  • They carried

Le verbe carry au past continuous

  • I was carrying
  • You were carrying
  • He/she/it was carrying
  • We were carrying
  • You were carrying
  • They were carrying

Le verbe carry au present perfect

  • I have carried
  • You have carried
  • He/she/it has carried
  • We have carried
  • You have carried
  • They have carried

Le verbe carry au present perfect continuous

  • I have been carrying
  • You have been carrying
  • He/she/it has been carrying
  • We have been carrying
  • You have been carrying
  • They have been carrying

Le verbe carry au past perfect

  • I had carried
  • You had carried
  • He/she/it had carried
  • We had carried
  • You had carried
  • They had carried

Le verbe carry au past perfect continuous

  • I had been carrying
  • You had been carrying
  • He/she/it had been carrying
  • We had been carrying
  • You had been carrying
  • They had been carrying

Le verbe carry au future

  • I will carry
  • You will carry
  • He/she/it will carry
  • We will carry
  • You will carry
  • They will carry

Le verbe carry au future continuous

  • I will be carrying
  • You will be carrying
  • He/she/it will be carrying
  • We will be carrying
  • You will be carrying
  • They will be carrying

Le verbe carry au future perfect

  • I will have carried
  • You will have carried
  • He/she/it will have carried
  • We will have carried
  • You will have carried
  • They will have carried

Le verbe carry au future perfect continuous

  • I will have been carrying
  • You will have been carrying
  • He/she/it will have been carrying
  • We will have been carrying
  • You will have been carrying
  • They will have been carrying

Conjugaison du verbe carry au conditionnel

Le verbe carry au conditional present

  • I would carry
  • You would carry
  • He/she/it would carry
  • We would carry
  • You would carry
  • They would carry

Le verbe carry au conditional present continuous

  • I would be carrying
  • You would be carrying
  • He/she/it would be carrying
  • We would be carrying
  • You would be carrying
  • They would be carrying

Le verbe carry au conditional perfect

  • I would have carried
  • You would have carried
  • He/she/it would have carried
  • We would have carried
  • You would have carried
  • They would have carried

Le verbe carry au conditional perfect continuous

  • I would have been carrying
  • You would have been carrying
  • He/she/it would have been carrying
  • We would have been carrying
  • You would have been carrying
  • They would have been carrying

Les autres formes

L’infinitif de carry

  • to carry

Participe présent de carry

  • carrying

Participe passé de carry

  • carried

L’impĂ©ratif de carry

  • carry
  • let’s carry

À l’instar de to hold, to drive, to feel et to catch, to carry est un verbe irrĂ©gulier. Il faut donc faire particuliĂšrement attention au past simple et au participe passĂ©.

DĂ©finition de carry en anglais

Que veut dire le verbe carry en anglais ?

Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs dĂ©finitions du verbe carry.

Penchons-nous sur les principales :

1. To hold something or someone with your hands, arms, or on your back and transport it, him, or her from one place to another

Please, help me carry this box . → Aide-moi Ă  porter ce carton s’il-te-plaĂźt.

2. To move someone or something from one place to another

The truck carried water in its tank. → Le camion transportait de l’eau dans sa citerne.

3. To have something with you all the time

Passengers are not allowed to carry dangerous goods. → Les passagers ne doivent pas voyager avec des produits dangereux.

4. To have something as a part, quality, or result

This appliance carries a one-year guarantee. → Cet appareil est garanti un an.

5. To take something from one person or thing and give it to another person or thing

The news was carried by word of mouth. → La nouvelle s’est rĂ©pandue par bouche-Ă -oreille.

6. To support the weight of something without moving or breaking

The bridge carries more than 40,000 vehicles daily. → Le pont supporte plus de 40 000 vĂ©hicules chaque jour.

7. To support, keep in operation, or make a success

The actors carried the movie. → Les acteurs ont portĂ© le film.

8. To give approval, especially by voting

The law was carried on a sweeping majority. → La loi a Ă©tĂ© adoptĂ©e avec une majoritĂ© Ă©crasante.

9. To develop or continue something

Let’s carry our conversation to the next level. → Passons notre conversation au niveau supĂ©rieur.

10. To be pregnant with a child

She decided to carry her child to term. → Elle a dĂ©cidĂ© de mener sa grossesse Ă  terme.

Pour accĂ©der Ă  l’intĂ©gralitĂ© de la page du Cambridge Dictionary, cliquez ici !

Les phrasal verbs avec carry en anglais

Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes Ă  particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsqu’ils sont suivis d’un autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complĂ©tĂ© ou modifiĂ©.

Il existe deux phrasal verbs formĂ©s sur le verbe carry :

  • carry something along â†’ emporter
  • carry something around â†’ trimballer (familier)
  • carry something away â†’ emporter
  • carry something forward/over â†’ retenir (lorsqu’on pose un calcul mathĂ©matique comme uneaddition)
  • carry forward something â†’ faire avancer (un projet, par exemple)
  • carry somebody off â†’ kidnapper, enlever
  • carry something off/out â†’ mener Ă  bien, arriver Ă  faire quelque chose
  • carry on â†’ continuer
  • carry something over â†’ reporter Ă  (des vacances, par exemple)
  • carry over to something â†’ dĂ©border sur
  • carry somebody through â†’ aider quelqu’un Ă  traverser quelque chose (une Ă©preuve, parexemple)

Les synonymes de carry en anglais

En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to carry par l’un des verbes suivants :

  • bring â†’ apporter
  • convey â†’ transporter, acheminer
  • displace â†’ dĂ©placer
  • haul â†’ transporter, traĂźner
  • lift â†’ soulever
  • lug â†’ trimballer (familier)
  • move â†’ dĂ©placer
  • remove â†’ enlever, retirer
  • take â†’ prendre
  • transfer â†’ transfĂ©rer

Expressions avec carry en anglais

  • carry a motion â†’ adopter une proposition
  • carry a torch for somebody â†’ en pincer pour quelqu’un
  • carry a tune â†’ chanter juste
  • carry the can â†’ porter le chapeau
  • carry the day â†’ triompher, gagner la partie
  • carry-on â†’ bagage cabine/bagage Ă  main
  • carryout (anglais amĂ©ricain) / carry-out (anglais britannique) → plat Ă  emporter
  • cash-and-carry (adjectif) → en libre-service
  • fetch and carry â†’ faire le larbin (familier)

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Camille Carollo

Ce cours d'anglais a été créé par Camille

RĂ©dacteur web depuis 2012 et trĂšs Ă  l’aise avec la langue de Shakespeare Ă  l’écrit autant qu’à l’oral, il s’efforce de mettre sa plume au profit de cours, tutoriels et autres fiches de vocabulaire clairs, simples, et accessibles autant aux dĂ©butants qu’aux niveaux avancĂ©s !

Ses Ă©tudes littĂ©raires et sa vie personnelle l’ont amenĂ© Ă  vivre plusieurs annĂ©es Ă  Oxford, Ă  Leeds et Ă  Londres, avant de poser ses valises en rĂ©gion parisienne.

DĂ©couvrir Camille Carollo