Vous allez découvrir toute la conjugaison de feel en anglais, mais également ses définitions, ses synonymes, ses expressions et les phrasal verbs qui y sont liés.
Tableaux de conjugaison de feel en anglais
Conjugaison du verbe feel Ă lâindicatif
Le verbe feel au present simple
- I feel
- You feel
- He/she/it feels
- We feel
- You feel
- They feel
Le verbe feel au present continuous
- I am feeling
- You are feeling
- He/she/it is feeling
- We are feeling
- You are feeling
- They are feeling
Le verbe feel past simple
- I felt
- You felt
- He/she/it felt
- We felt
- You felt
- They felt
Le verbe feel au past continuous
- I was feeling
- You were feeling
- He/she/it was feeling
- We were feeling
- You were feeling
- They were feeling
Le verbe feel au present perfect
- I have felt
- You have felt
- He/she/it has felt
- We have felt
- You have felt
- They have felt
Le verbe feel au present perfect continuous
- I have been feeling
- You have been feeling
- He/she/it has been feeling
- We have been feeling
- You have been feeling
- They have been feeling
Le verbe feel au past perfect
- I had felt
- You had felt
- He/she/it had felt
- We had felt
- You had felt
- They had felt
Le verbe feel au past perfect continuous
- I had been feeling
- You had been feeling
- He/she/it had been feeling
- We had been feeling
- You had been feeling
- They had been feeling
Le verbe feel au future
- I will feel
- You will feel
- He/she/it will feel
- We will feel
- You will feel
- They will feel
Le verbe feel au future continuous
- I will be feeling
- You will be feeling
- He/she/it will be feeling
- We will be feeling
- You will be feeling
- They will be feeling
Le verbe feel au future perfect
- I will have felt
- You will have felt
- He/she/it will have felt
- We will have felt
- You will have felt
- They will have felt
Le verbe feel au future perfect continuous
- I will have been feeling
- You will have been feeling
- He/she/it will have been feeling
- We will have been feeling
- You will have been feeling
- They will have been feeling
Conjugaison du verbe feel au conditionnel
Le verbe feel au conditional present
- I would feel
- You would feel
- He/she/it would feel
- We would feel
- You would feel
- They would feel
Le verbe feel au conditional present continuous
- I would be feeling
- You would be feeling
- He/she/it would be feeling
- We would be feeling
- You would be feeling
- They would be feeling
Le verbe feel au conditional perfect
- I would have felt
- You would have felt
- He/she/it would have felt
- We would have felt
- You would have felt
- They would have felt
Le verbe feel au conditional perfect continuous
- I would have been feeling
- You would have been feeling
- He/she/it would have been feeling
- We would have been feeling
- You would have been feeling
- They would have been feeling
Les autres formes
L’infinitif de feel
- to feel
Participe présent de feel
- feeling
Participe passé de feel
- felt
L’impĂ©ratif de feel
- feel
- let’s feel
DĂ©finition de feel en anglais
Que veut dire le verbe feel en anglais ?
Le Cambridge Dictionary donne plusieurs définitions du verbe feel.
Penchons-nous sur les principales :
1. To experience something physical or emotional
Every time I eat, I feel nauseous.
â Ă chaque fois que je mange, je me sens nausĂ©ux.
2. To have a particular opinion about or attitude towards something
I feel that I should move into a bigger home.
â Je pense que je devrais dĂ©mĂ©nager dans une plus grande maison.
3. To touch something in order to discover something about it
The skin feels softer after 2 weeks of use.
â La peau est plus douce aprĂšs 2 semaines d’utilisation.
Pour accĂ©der Ă lâintĂ©gralitĂ© de la page du Cambridge Dictionary, cliquez ici !
Les phrasal verbs avec feel en anglais
Rappel : les phrasal verbs (ou “verbes Ă particule”) sont des verbes qui, lorsquâils sont suivis dâun autre mot (la particule), voient leur sens initial complĂ©tĂ© ou modifiĂ©.
Il existe quatre phrasal verbs formés sur le verbe feel :
- feel for somebody â compatir avec, avoir de la peine pour quelquâun (familier)
- feel for somebody â ĂȘtre amoureux de, en pincer pour quelquâun (familier)
- feel somebody up â peloter quelquâun (familier)
- feel something out â se faire une idĂ©e de quelque chose, tĂąter le terrain
Les synonymes de feel en anglais
En fonction du contexte, vous pouvez remplacer le verbe to feel par lâun des verbes suivants :
- caress â caresser
- comprehend â comprendre, saisir
- fondle â caresser
- grope â peloter, tripoter (familier)
- manipulate â manipuler
- palpate â palper
- paw â peloter, tripoter (familier)
- perceive â percevoir, discerner
- sense â sentir
Expressions avec feel en anglais
- cop a feel â mettre une main aux fesses (vulgaire)
- feel ambivalent about something â Ă©mettre des doutes sur quelque chose
- feel annoyed â ĂȘtre Ă©nervĂ©, fĂąchĂ©, contrariĂ©
- feel anxious â ĂȘtre anxieux, nerveux, tendu
- feel ashamed of yourself â avoir honte de soi
- feel bad â s’en vouloir, se sentir coupable, culpabiliser
- feel blue â dĂ©primer, ne pas avoir le moral, avoir le cafard (familier)
- feel compelled to do something â se sentir obligĂ© de faire quelque chose
- feel dizzy â avoir la tĂȘte qui tourne
- feel down â se sentir dĂ©primĂ©, dĂ©moralisĂ© (familier)
- feel good â avoir la conscience tranquille
- feel hemmed in â se sentir pris au piĂšge
- feel like a million bucks (anglais amĂ©ricain) â pĂ©ter la forme (familier)
- feel no pain â ĂȘtre ivre, ĂȘtre saoul
- feel on top of the world â ĂȘtre aux anges
- feel right at home â se sentir Ă l’aise, se sentir chez soi (familier)
- feel rotten â ne pas se sentir bien, ĂȘtre mal fichu (familier)
- feel sick â avoir envie de vomir
- feel something in your bones â avoir l’intime conviction de quelque chose
- feel the pinch â souffrir financiĂšrement
- feel your gorge rise â sentir la colĂšre monter, se sentir Ă©cĆurĂ©
Ă lâinstar de to feed, to draw, to write, to send et to leave, to feel est un verbe irrĂ©gulier. Il faut donc faire particuliĂšrement attention aux terminaisons du prĂ©tĂ©rit et du participe passĂ©.